[FE8] [Removed by Author]

Actually yea, I do not buy your mental health reason, even though I do understand it. It’s rather disappointing to delist the original completed Deity Device along with the cancellation of Saint’s Blood, and I won’t mince my word or pretend to be sorry about it.

Your creation is, from what I can see from the comments, pretty competent and not particularly offensive, so I don’t see that you have to be so ashamed of it that the correct option is to wipe it off the forum. The decision also kinda rubs me in the wrong way, as it reminds me of bunch of AAA studios currently going out of their way to delete their games and media, even if they are perfectly accessible.


That was not his only reason for doing so and I’d recommend a re-read and better reading comprehension this time around.


There is 0 reason to go into conspiracy territory or point fingers at the creator for just deciding to not have the game up anymore. It just comes across as really unneeded to put it lightly.

You arent them, people are free to remove their work if they arent proud of it or want to convey it a different way. A perfect example from the fire emblem community being Midnight Sun (Which became a steam game). I’m genuinely surprised I have to explain this but here we are.

Tldr; Don’t accuse people of lying about their mental health for 0 reason, and don’t get angry when they decide to focus on other things besides just a hobby or decide to further refine it to their new tastes.


Respect the author and move on.


We should respect the author’s decision, even if probably inevitably a download link is still available somewhere out there in the dark web.

Or maybe not, who knows? Maybe we’ll get lucky where absolutely all traces of it completely disappears everywhere and it becomes lost media.

I understand his decision to delist his stuff, I will not even pretend to remotely agree with him on this, but he is free to do it, the end. If it helps him to move on from being stuck in the cycle of continuing with an unfinished hack then it’s a sensible choice for him.

I will apologize for sounding harsh in my reply. Best of luck to author in the future.

For the record, I never said anything about the author “lying” about his mental health reason.

“I do not buy” means “I do not believe you”, if you were unaware.

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“Buy into something” means completely believing something. So whatever, I might have accidentally used the wrong expressions there and can apologize to that, because english is a heck of a language.

Do you plan on making your own novel or SRPG? Godot would probably be great for the latter and OpenOffice is great for the former.

1 of the Best romhacks ever made completely gone now, sad to see it but its the authors choice and thats that.

Thank you and good luck with whatever u do next!