[FE8] [Removed by Author]

The end of every chapter calls an event that removes spells and gives a new one. This makes use of the remove item patch and the silent give item patch, and learning spells sets a global flag that determines whether that spell will be given out. It also checks whether characters are in the party so that the starting spells of future party members don’t randomly show up in the convoy. Silent give item sends items to the convoy if the target unit’s inventory is full. This means characters can potentially have more than five spells learned without causing issues.

Looks like this.

It looks more complicated than it is. You just need to be careful about entering everything correctly.




Hey, I just wanted to put out there that I’m ready to start testing the demo chapters for Saint’s Blood, so barring anything being weirdly broken in an unexpected way, I should be able to put up a demo that goes through Chapter 5 within a week or two. At that point, I’ll be giving Saint’s Blood its own topic so discussion about it won’t have to be mixed in here.

Deity Device 0.R.emulator-0




I finished part 1 so my thoughts:

Gameplay story integration is one of the best it not the best I have seen in hacks.

Gameplay isn’t soul crushingly hard nor braindead easy

The magic system is creative and interesting

The distinction between physical and magical units is pretty good

The fact that I can deploy everyone is nice.

Maybe you could implement an option to save once in a few turns or whenever you can if either option is possible, I had to do ch 9 a lot of times but if you’re playing on an emulator I guess save states exist.

Status effects are kinda annoying maybe reduce the duration by half since restore will trivialize it.

Gender neutral aid would be nice for rescuing if you want to implement it.
Unit thoughts:

Callista: literal glass canon, gets more than enough magic charges. has some utiliy with barrier and fortify

Arachne: Tank but needs a robe early on, normally she’d be broken but she has kinda lowish charges which means she needs to be used pretty carefully in maps like ch 9.

Helen: Dodgetank and massive range

Jake: Jeigan with some rescue utility

Luke: Mounted healer yes plz

Olya: literal mage killer on player phase, also kills flying enemies with her prf lance

Ivan: Beserker op especially with pugi, he can dodge some stuff on terrain.

Victor: Amazing strength and charge, can kill stuff with his prf brave lance but low or average con is a double edged sword, since he can rescue units but most weapons weigh him down and he’s prone to getting doubled.

Lucy: becomes pretty good once she gets her prf and snowballs.

Glenn: Aether and a five range weapon is an interesting gimmick but unless he gets a promotion his stats won’t go far, I feel like he could benefit from being unpromoted or at a lower level but that’s just me.

Bertram: Paragon sword quickly lets him snowball and he becomes a gold knight upon promotion, he’s fast, bulky and strong magic hurts him but he can take a hit or two, also wind sword is nice.

Vincent: Having bows that are effective against every units plus massive range is nice.

Gregory: Mixes Arachnes ramp and Helen’s dodge tank nature with extra range and you get him, pretty good but don’t expect him to use vamp as well as arachne.

Cosette: Pretty fun with galeforce

Orville: pretty versatile with healing and offense


You can pass the Paragon sword around, I had Victor use it too. I actually used it on everyone who could use swords.

The game is designed around emulators, you can’t transfer the save files otherwise. I would just use save states as battle saves. You can set your own limitations, every 5 turns, after a fort in a long map, etc.

Jake is a jerk, so I didn’t give him any kills. Screw you Jake. Haha but I liked how he built the others, so he is important. No good story is without a good jerk.

Edit: The status effects are good, yeah they can cause problems but that’s the power of a Hex unit. If you reduce the duration, then Hex’s are useless. And Restore doesn’t trivialize them. A couple Hex’s can tye up your restore unit and dancer for several turns. Which allows the other units a little extra advantage.


maybe keep the status effects to 2 to 3 turns instead of 4 or 5 , it still effects the user bit all I did in 9 and 10 was wait and it essentially meant turtling and doing nothing.

ye the paragon sword can be passed through for exp shenanigans.

also is Carson’s air knife not recharging b/w ch 11 and 12 intentional?


I don’t think so, I remember mine recharging.

A Hex is a class that only uses status spells. If you change it, the entire class is weaker, and then you have balancing issues. I didn’t have to turtle at all, I just sent bait and then used Olga to fly in and execute them. Someone lighter is good, so you can rescue drop, till they wake up. They just need less res than Olga. You can also use Vincent if they are within bow range.

Edit: I’m just a player like you, it’s not really a reasonable ask to have the creator rebalance a complete hack to adjust status spells. They are meant to be a hindrance. Turtling in Fire Emblem breaks anything. It’s up to you how you play.


Fair enough I suppose.

I just wanted to give some feedback, at the end of the day, it’s upto to the creator on whether they want to implement it or not.

Honestly 9 is pretty massive and 10 has the door mechanism so there’s nothing much to do on certain turns.

7 they can only hex so many units.

overall I think that status staves generally benefit enemies more in general than player units that’s why I suggested reducing it but I need to finish the game to be sure since I just finished p1 and I’m going through part 2.

so far restore exists they wouldn’t be an issue and my hexer keeps missing frequently maybe he’ll get better as soon as he gets more magic


Yeah, they do benefit the enemy more. They are working on the sequel now. I know others have asked for them to be reduced, so they maybe in the sequel. The demo I played was to short to get enough knowledge, but a new demo is coming soon.

Edit: But finish this one first. It has stuff that would spoil this one.

There are a lot of massive maps, so be prepared to battle some difficult situations. Turtling isn’t what I would call it, but a full on retreat. Which I loved, because it made the battles feel like they had a more realistic ebb and flow. It may not be to everyone’s taste, but it encompasses the story elements more. I’ve never been a gameplay first guy, I like to feel like I’m playing through a fantasy series, not just playing a game. And that was how this felt. Perfection.

Edit 2: yeah Walter snowballs, mine was able to silence Shamens or whatever that class was called, at 100%. He could also sleep physical units at 100%. To easily level him up, silence physical units. It does you no good, but he gets massive exp.


Hi. Thanks for your comments. I don’t have any plans to implement new mechanics at this time. If you’re worried about losing progress on maps like Chapter 9 but don’t want to feel like you’re cheesing the map, I would recommend making a save state after each castle is seized. It might not feel great due to using a function that technically comes from outside the game, itself, but it’s better than nothing.

The con balance in the game can be kind of weird because of my idea to make the con of mages represent their magical stamina rather than their physical build, leading to some odd interactions with the rescue mechanic as far as who can rescue who.

Carson’s Air Knifes not replenishing between Chapters 11 and 12 is deliberate, with a specific branch in the spell refreshing script causing it to be skipped (for story reasons). That gap is why he gets so many Air Knifes, so the player is never really at risk of running out and getting stuck.

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sorry but why is Adelle so bad?

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I honestly never expected anyone to use Adelle long term, so she wound up admittedly poorly balanced. Honestly, to make her all that good with all of the other things available to the player, she would need some sort of amazing PRF sword with range, but she doesn’t have the magic to be good with a magic sword. A sword-locked unit is kind of dead on arrival in terms of usability in Deity Device. Carson does the low power high crit build infinitely better than her. I’ve heard of people promoting her to Ranger and getting some use out of her.


To be honest she only really would need a personal reaver with decent uses at first due to a large batch of lance users in early part 2 and possibly slightly higher base HP and Res to be able to survive early combat.

As per the ranger thing, considering until v2 there wasn’t any way for the player to use bows except for adelle as a ranger it more shows how good you made bows, not necessarily that she’s good with them.

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maybe give her paragon and knife access as a mrym or swordmaster.

Lucy is pretty good with paragon and knives in p1 and p2 once she snowballs.

They have roughly similar growths too

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Lucy is 20/16 at p2 ch 17 for example

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Bertram and Orville were always able to use bows after promotion. There just wasn’t a playable archer.

Lucy’s decent combat more comes from her skills giving her as much as 7 bonus damage and getting an exclusive brave weapon.

Unfortunately, the Saint’s Blood demo will probably take longer to get out than anticipated. The spell animation part of the ROM inexplicably broke. From going through backups it happened sometime on 10/1 as the last backup where spells work is 9/30, leaving me quite a bit that I have to redo.

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btw when do you get access to the convoy after p1?

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Any map with Carson has the convoy.

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I see if you can find a way to snowball Adelle to promotion, I think that ranger will probably be nice and maybe give swordmasters something good.

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