[FE8] Fire Emblem: Tierra Maldita v1.1 [COMPLETE]

Humm, Kiri’s in huh, mind if I tinker with the maps? I’m no apparoid but maybe i could make it look more aesthetically pleasing? (just not mountains, those are… not my forte)


That’d be great! Please tinker away, and lmk if you need anything from me to make it easier!
You should be able to just take what you need from the patch, but I can send things directly if you want.


Would be a pleasure to work with DAT on a project together again ;3

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Week 12

I gotta say that I’ve out done myself this time. Ch 4 is almost complete!
Just need to do another round of playtesting and it should be ready to go. At this rate, we will be ready for the showcase in no time :sunglasses:
Which is great because I will need some time to prepare something special for it…

I really wanna shoutout those who have offered to help out, whether it’s for the showcase or for the hack. Again, it seriously means so much to hear that you’re all enjoying the hack, and even wanting to contribute! The past couple months have been quite stressful, but hearing your encouragement makes my heart swell (in a good way :heart: )

Hang in there erryone :saluting_face:


yo, can I get your discord name? I think I got… something hehe


oh shoot, looking forward to it!

Guess I’ll just go ahead and add it in the description too

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Week 12, pt.2

Surprise! It was brought to my attention that there was a notable bug in ch. 3 so I am releasing an update. Here’s the thing though, I already finished ch. 4 and it would be more work to remove it. Soooo…

:tada: Ch. 4 is released! :tada:

I think this was a better place to leave it off anyways :slight_smile:
I guess if you want content earlier than planned, just reveal more critical bugs lol

I’ll put more information in the release notes, but this update includes ch. 4, updated Lea map sprite (thank you @Lukirioh! He made the sprite :smiley: ), and doesn’t include new support convos, because I didn’t get to that yet.

I am hoping that by the next update I will have a lot of the next chapter done as well as some of the extra stuff in ch.4 done too.

ok bye now, take care :wave:


Week 13

Not much to update, just crankin away at ch5. Map is like half done but the scripts should all be good to go.
More at 11.



Week 14

I have been very, very busy with life stuff so I couldn’t dedicate much time to the project :pensive:
Wondering how I might want to pivot my showcase strategy here.
As far as progress goes, I have written out almost all of the support convos! Hopefully EoW I will be be able to finish it 100% and implemented.

Hope you all are having a more relaxed time than me lol :ok_hand:


Week 15

Hey! Still busy hah.
But all support conversations have been written and implemented!

Next priority will be finishing out Ch5 completely, and then I’ll need to stop there to figure out the fee3 stuff as well polishing some things so it’s presentation ready.

It is a bit frustrating that I couldn’t get more done in time, but that’s how it just how it goes sometimes.

I’ll just need to put extra effort in making this presentation worth it to you all :triumph:

Look forward to it! :wave:


Supports :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I am looking forward to it!

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Sounds great!

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Week 16

Not much to update, personal life still busy.
However, we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel here :saluting_face:
We are on our way to finishing ch5 this upcoming week.

Go gettem gamers :pill:


Week 17

Ch5 is done! Should just need a bit more testing, but every in there is implemented and working.
I will be doing some quality stuff and asset work where it is missing.

But I will be transitioning into prioritizing the work needed for the presentation. With it being 3 weeks out, I will be putting all of my efforts into that. So with that said, I will probably stop doing updates until the submission.
I’ll give an overview of the work done afterwards.

So see you all in about a month!

Be strong, and be brave everyone :muscle:


Week 18-19 (I hope that’s the right number)

The submission is in! I’m very excited for you all to see it in October(?) :smiley:. Shoutout to @Xilirite for cohosting and helping with recording!
Not to give anything away, but please do watch it all the way through to the end.

I hope I can do the next release, or maybe even completely finish development, by the time of the showcase.

I recently made a significant life change, so I will be able to be heads down with development for the next couple weeks. Hoping to make loads of progress here :wrench:

Thanks for hanging in there everyone! We will be back to our regularly scheduled weekly updates :+1:


Week 20

Spent this week grinding out a big animation. Feels good to finally say that ███ is finally completely done :smiling_face:

Next week is a bit uncertain, but hopefully we can get back to actually putting together chapters hah

Hope you all have a good week :wave:


Week 21

This week has been so much :dizzy_face:
Sadly no updates. But this next week, proommisseeee I’ll be back on it.

Take care of yourselves :zzz:


Week 22

Egh still trying to get a good schedule for this together so not a ton of progress. Did some map work for the next chapter, but not much else. Also going on vacation this upcoming week too.

Please bear with me folks :pray:


Week 23 - 24

Everyone, consider that schedule got.
Chapter 6 is complete and is currently being tested. Chapter 7, the last chapter before the next release! :see_no_evil:, is almost ready for testing.

Things are moving faster than I anticipated, really thinking that we might make our milestone of having the release out before the showcase. The next couple weeks will be getting chapters 6 and 7 to 100%, and if there is some time before my deadline then I’ll try to get reskinned menus in :smile:

So, so hype fellas. Hope you’re all doing alright out there. :melting_face:


Could you advice is if there’s a new updated version in your post
I am following your project and your post but recently I don’t get where are new playable versions or not ^^"

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