[FE8] FE1 Shadow Dragon Faithful Remaster V1.9.4

Is SoV not a faithful remake because the nosferatu spell has 60% hit rather than 50%? Almost everyone considers SoV to be a faithful remake. That’s the level of a minor change removing provoke would be and yet you’re acting as if me suggesting as much means I’m not in favour of a faithful remake.

Faithful does not mean you change absolutely nothing from the base game, otherwise that would be a port, not a remake. There are some changes that we can both agree on (using gba animations, map sprites, etc), and there are others that we will inevitably disagree on.

Skill systems is not at all unobtrusive. There is literally a strength/magic split which is not in FE1. That for one is a far greater change than removing provoke would be.


This isn’t a remake, it was specified as a remaster.

This is also all irrelevant due the goal being to be as faithful as possible.

Xane ASM exists, and while not posted, you should be able to ask Scraiza or Retina about using it. No need to go for an inaccurate solution, when one already exists.

Thanks, I spent a very long time making them.

Here is my reasons for the inclusion of skill systems.

  • Marth’s Provoke’s mechanic.
  • Marth’s Lockpick skill after obtaining the Fire Emblem.
  • Medeus’s Earthstone’s Tower Shield+ skill.
  • Armshift to kind of replicate the Lightsphere.

I thank you letting me know. I see that it also affected horse units, thus that has also been fixed.

Also, I want to make it clear that my rom hack does not aim to be a remake but rather a mostly faithful remaster. Of course, there are some limitations, like the length of the character bios, which limits it from being perfectly 100% faithful. But I made an effort to add everything I could. Even features that would be seen as bad game design.

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New Update.
1.2 Changelog:

  • Fixed movement sounds.
  • Inventories now only have 4 slots.

I didn’t get Parthia after the end of Chapter 12.

Thank you for letting me know. I have just fixed this issue.

v1.2.1 Changelog:

  • Fixed Parthia obtention.
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Just thought I’d report that the whole “empty slot” item to bring the inventory to 4 items unfortunately doesn’t work. This is because when a unit has a full inventory and kills an enemy with a droppable item, they can then send the “empty slot” item to the convoy.

Just finished a playthrough, was kind of refreshing to play as old school as it gets with GBA sprites

Thank you for fixing the Parthia, much appreciated, I saw a couple other little bugs and errors I figured were worth noting
-Armorslayer is effective against thieves
-I’m not sure what causes it exactly (maybe the reinforcement events proccing?) but going through the mountain pass in chapter 24 consistently causes MGBA to hang; this applied if either I or the red units tried to pass
-item description for Vulnery is the lagdou ruins description
-Xane currently can’t shapeshift, or at least, doesn’t have a menu command to shapeshift
-Paladins don’t have ridersbane effective damage
-Starsphere should probably say Armsthrift or some other way to clear up its a percent chance
-Delphi Shield didn’t drop
-there was also an animation “hang” I had consistently occur if Marth doubled with the Levin Sword, best guess is its a sound or script problem with the animation

Also, I haven’t beat vanilla FE1 before, but I think the Falchion needs an effectiveness rework; it didn’t get bonus damage against manaketes, and with a 18 strength Marth, I was swinging for 3 damage on Medeus


I’m not sure how I could fix this. To be honest, the error isn’t really a big deal. Considering that it needs player input to reproduce.

Thank you. I have now fixed these issues.

Could you elaborate? What mountain pass are you referring? Also, chapter 24 passed my playtesting with VBA-M without any issues, but I haven’t tried it with MGBA. So it could be a emulator issue?

Unfourtanly there isn’t a public Freelancer patch to include this.

The Ridersbane only affect cavaliers in FE1, yes this is indeed a FE1 moment. The Delphi Shield/Iote’s Shield doesn’t exist in FE1.

The issue here was Medeus’s defence. He had 35 defence when he should of have 25 defence. The wikis are to blame for this.

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The short cut between the peaks at the top North-west corner of the map consistently had problems if movement ended either on the forest or the passable peak tiles where the end of move “hanged”. My guess was it was causing multiple reinforcement flags to all proc at the same time, which was causing the problem

I just tested it again with VBA-M and It was fine. It seems to be a problem with MGBA. But I will try to test with MGBA next time.

Also I forgot to post the changelog.
v1.3 Changelog:

  • Fixed Armorslayers affecting player thieves.
  • Fixed usage description for Vulneraries.
  • Fixed the Freezing that would happen if Marth doubled with a Levin Sword.
  • Medues’ defence was fixed. The wikis are to blame for this since they state incorrectly that the earthstone provides 23 defence while in fact it only provides 13 defence.
  • Fixed the enemy’s Ballistician palette.
  • The backfire rate for devil weapons was reduced from 31% to 21%.

From what I’ve seen, in the decomp there is a max items variable for inventories. It is by default set to 5. Of course, you can’t increase inventory space by raising the number, but it could be possible to decrease it. I don’t know if it would require makefiling, maybe the max items value could simply be changed by hex editing.

Wow even the FE1 promotions (or rather, the lack thereof), that’s certainly going for dedication there.

Why has Altea Castle been placed on a mountain (that makes the escaping Thief in Book 2 not work)?

I see you’ve also retained FE1’s “Which one is the real Gharnef” “Maybe the one carry Falchion?” pointless double gimmick.

Heimler getting the credit for stealing the Thoron tome I see. It’s Volzin in both the remakes. I feel conflicted about it as a change, Volzin makes more sense being a mage and all, but Heimler literally has no dialogue! So it at least gives him some distinction as a character to be stealing tomes.

No crossbow animation for the Bowgun.

Is that my transformation animation for Tiki? Well I should say “my” in quotes as I didn’t create either the human or dragon Tiki sprites, but I was the one who mixed them together.

I haven’t dwelled in hex editting so I wouldn’t know what I’m doing. Also wouldn’t it might cause graphical issues with inventory menu?

What do you mean about the thief? The thief doesn’t escape if you are blocking a pathway to the entrance .

Heimler is a weird character. He also has no dialogue in the DS remake as well.

There is unfortunately isn’t any crossbow animations that I could find in FE Repo.

My apologizes It would appear that I forgotten to add you to the credits. I have now remedied this by including you.

Huh. I’ve played FE1 like three times but I guess I just didn’t focus on anything outside of the castle.

The passage from the bottom left on the map running along the outside to the top left, introduced in Old Mystery and maintained in Shadow Dragon. In Book 2 and New Mystery a thief with the Geo Sphere tries to escape. But since this is a remake of NES Shadow Dragon what you have is better. Still, odd they redesigned it and put Aleea castle in what looks like the middle of a lake! It’s probably meant to be a moat, but it feels like a drastic change compared to the mountains.

Another aspect of FE1 you don’t seem to have employed is the Merlinus style convoy. Making it so you have to pay to use it might take too much work (especially since you can use it from base), but taking the convoy off Marth and putting it onto an NPC you can pull the supply from would be rather a basic change. In fact, in the game I’m currently working on (also set in Archanea) I’ve implemented a feature that literally works like that.

How did you manage to implement that? Before, when I tried to do so, I encountered difficulties like enemies attacking the supply tent or the supply menu not appearing.

You can set enemy AI not to target certain units. It’s AI1, the one that’s useually at Chance of Action 100%. If you’re using “Attack if enemy is in half of unit’s range” or “In range of the commander” much then you’re have to add the “except convoy” to that AI code.

Of course, letting enemies kill the supply wouldn’t be antithetical to game design. It’s not something they do in FE1, but then again, neither is Marth having the convoy.


Thank you! It works. I’m going add this soon to rom hack.

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v1.4 Changelog:

  • FE1 supply tent has been added.