[FE8] FE:RL - Hetja's Quest v0.7.07 (Roguelike) (ON HIATUS)

You use the codes at the start of a file, when you name your character.

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Nice build!

Love to hear it. I’ll keep an eye out for other weapons in need of adjustments.

There’s currently 3 female characters that can use swords vs 2 male characters that can use swords. Notably, not a single Myrmidon. I’ll mull over which edgy sword boy to include.

Lloyd and Linus are already in the game. I think they might be Endless Mode exclusive. Endless Mode can be turned on in the options before starting a run (unlocked after beating Normal Mode once).

Once you beat Hard Mode, you get another page of facilities to build in the hub area. One of those facilities (Cagnas Statue) lets you change your class to any of the classes available during character creation. Weapon ranks above E are retained through class change.


Is there any extra benefit to doing hard mode?

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Once you’ve beaten it once, you get an extra facilities page to work with. Other than that, just for challenge it seems

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Is there a way to get multiple characters? Or can I only get one at the start?

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You unlock more for every miniboss defeated.

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I mean like multiple skill. Like get paragon and darkgift

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Fire Emblem - Hetja’s Quest-2
Fire Emblem - Hetja’s Quest-1

Lessgoooo this game is freaking fun. Wished I played the hard mode if I knew I got this lucky

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Yo, been playing this a crazy amount the past few days, it’s really good. Just have a quick comment on the skill scrolls: I think the skill categories should maybe be split up into pools (proc skills, enemy phase skills, postionals, etc.), and I think they should be separated from the money square (or should be a paid option on it).

So, the main problem with the skills is that some of them are ridiculous, some of them do very little, some of them do nothing, and wary fighter loses you the run sometimes. Now, I’m a gambling man, and I enjoy the chance that you hurt yourself with a skill sometime if you are aware of the risk. Like, if the shop or a doc or something says “this scroll is wary fighter 20% of the time” and I die to it, that’s my fault. When it’s a 2% chance and you don’t know it’s an option, it feels a little worse.
And if you do get cursed with a bad skill, there isn’t really a great way to remove it. I assume you can forget it by getting 7 skills, as Skills Systems allows you to have 6 skills max, but currently, that is really hard to do, as getting them is mostly random, as opposed to nearly every other event in the game which you can just pay to get. Giving a more reasonable chance to replace the skill makes rolling bad skills better by allowing you to do a side-quest to remove them, rather than being at luck’s mercy

It’s entirely possible that this is just the salt speaking though lol. (Just lost a Miccy run from getting Liquid Ooze and Wary Fighter off 2 skill scrolls)

Edit: Also, is the intent behind the adamant weapons for them to be usable by everyone? (Like, a pirate using Holy, for example?)

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Fire Emblem - Hetja’s Quest-0
Fire Emblem - Hetja’s Quest-1

So this is broken as heck


I should have won but my final boss was the fricking dragon

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freaking broken is having both Paragon and that skill that doubles your growth but exp gain is 1/2
capped stats all day even tho I promote early

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Idk I just found nihil, and vantage plus was pretty good. Also add double lion

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Second time was better. Also this time I had to fight Lyon

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I’d certainly like to see this expanded upon in future updates. The concept is fun and I’ve completed several runs now, but after about 3 successful attempts, I can see how the gears turn. I’ve already ended up falling into bread-and-butter strats (Blossom/Aptitude+Double Lion with maybe Vantage+ from the skill scroll shop, since you can basically afford a combination of those after a successful run or two), and almost nothing can stop you besides ultra rotten luck. Recruiting helper units becomes pointless once you have enough resources for a godlike early-to-midgame.

I don’t know how feasible it is to do anything particularly crazy, but it’d be cool to see things like mutators/modifiers (like Curses from Binding of Isaac), randomized side/bonus objectives (like protecting green units or racing thieves to chests/stopping them from escaping with a valuable item like a rare weapon or S-rank skll scroll), more varieties of battle maps and the enemies that populate them, and different music that plays throughout a run. What’s here now is a great foundation, and is already full of potential waiting to be seen.

On a side note, there’s a bug when it comes to the convoy: if a unit with Canto enters the convoy, takes out an item, and leaves it, there is a chance this can softlock the game. It always seems like it’s most likely to happen when you move near the edge of the screen before entering the convoy, and the camera wants to scroll up or down to you.


If you beat Hard Mode, you unlock the ability to construct a facility in the hub area that you can buy skill specific Skill Scrolls. Or you can use a normal Skill Scroll (found in some shop/chests) to get a random skill based on your run’s labyrinth progression. If you’re talking about the Skill Scroll that units unlocked with a password start with, those are single use.

Nice build!

There’s a list of skills here along with the likelihood of any particular skill. E rank skills are always possible, D rank skills are only possible starting at Chapter 4, and so on. It looks like, starting on Chapter 4 (the first chapter you’re able to roll for Wary Fighter), you’ve got a 1/68 chance to get any particular skill (or 1.47%). The chance of that happening is even less likely as you progress. I think you may have just gotten unlucky.

If I can figure out how to proc the “forget a skill” menu manually, I can make it a paid option in Churches.

Yeah weapons bought from the hub area Armory are infinite use and can be used by anyone, but do not give WEXP.

Local Bishop has had enough, becomes God Assassin

I am looking into these types of events for Labyrinth (Mode Two). Right now, I cannot add any more battle maps because I am at the Tile Change limit for this map. I definitely agree that the soundtrack desperately needs some TLC.

This is partially noted in the Known Bugs section of the OP. If you can provide info/a save from an instance of this happening, let me know. If I’m being honest, I have no idea where to start when it comes to fixing this bug.


Haha big number go burr. Shout out to bloom paragon


You can only get one through codes.

There are fixed growth mode? if not, can you added it?
I can’t play it at the moment, i am in the hospital right now, but in 3 or 4 days i will be free again, so i do not want to loose from my TOPLAY list.

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I can certainly look into it and do some testing, but I’m unsure if Fixed Growths would fit this type of hack.

From my understanding, roguelites/roguelikes are purposfully balanced around this type of randomness and heavily lean into it. Getting rid of the possibility for bad level ups would certainly make runs more consistent, but also takes away from some of the replay value.

I would suggest giving it a try without Fixed Growths and see how you like it. I completely understand if not having a Fixed Growths mode is a deal breaker.

I hope things are going okay!

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