[FE8] FE Infinity - AI System That Builds Original ROM Hacks (Prototype Demo)

For when it errors after everything is generated: sometimes the AI will slightly misspell an item name (happens all the time with “AngelicRobe” - the error would be “Undefined: AngelRobe”). In which case you need to go into the .event file and change “AngelRobe” to “AngelicRobe”

For when it errors during the generation, this sometimes happens and it’s just the AI messing up in the middle. Sometimes can’t be helped.

so how does the ai work and can it make a demo for me where it idfk spams enemy generics with the same portraits with 4 hammers each

Ah that makes sense. Also i was curious, since the AI just picks out maps out of 29 from the repository, would you be interested in me sending you a dozen (or more, i have tons lying around) custom maps so it has a more diverse selection to pick from, if possible. I think the program is dope asf and would love to help if possible.