Well damn… It may be Halloween but it feels like Christmas in here
Hi i’m new to this whole project and want to ask what’s that beta patch?
The first post contains the main download, which is a completed, older version of the hack. I’m currently working on a new version that is still incomplete, but playable. I’m releasing it gradually as beta patches until I complete it, which will then become the main download.
The beta currently contains the complete Ephraim’s campaign and Eirika’s campaign can be played up until chapter 13.
Apparently, ya can’t skip the Prologue scenes, cause the game asks for fixed growths mode and game freezes…
I, literally, tried to move Eirika in Chapter 1 and guess what? GAME FROZE AGAIN
Already finished beta, while having a save prepared for the gaiden chapter so I’ll give my thoughts about the selection of skill scrolls
Smite could be actually acrobat? I was checking which chapter had skill scrolls to look forward in advance to not miss out on them and I might have touched data, not sure about it.
I feel like Blood didnt want to make this skill scroll into awakening skills, hence the lack of direct combat skills (no Sol, Adept, Life and Death and such) having a few exceptions like slayer or axefaith.
Overall most of these skills are good enough and would feel fairly balanced on the current patch of Sacred Trilogy with skills. Personally, slayer and axefaith are my pick, and Renewal/Imbue combo would also feel as a pretty funny combo on Mhyrr. I personally would like a dificulty spike in the upper floors of Lagdou (7, 8, 9 and 10), incentivizing obtaining skill scrolls to challenge those upper floors but those are simply my preferences over difficulty, which are pretty extreme all things considered.
Looking forward to the full version with skill scrolls, thank you for letting us test this beta and keep up the good work! (Also reminder, as to not seem like hurrying you into finishing this project, to keep studying and well, wishing you luck on university!)
PD: Thank you for giving an axefaith scroll, if it gets to the full version Caellach is gong to go even further beyond with it XD
Gee, it’s been only one day and someone has already beat the game :X
Yeah, I was thinking of switching either Shove or Smite for that one. Will probably axe Smite in favor of it.
Some of those skills will show up during the gaiden chapter. And yes, I personally think Awakening goes overboard with its skills. I tried to do something similar to Path of Radiance, where skills are more tame.
These are all subject to change though, and I plan to have roughly around 20 or 25 skill scrolls available for the next version.
I really wanted to include skills as loot for the Ruins, but the problem with doing that is that the location is repeatable, so the loot would be too. On top of it, I don’t think there’s any way of randomizing skills yet, since their implementation rely on the durability of the item slot they are assigned to. I’ve been studying the conditionals FEBuilder let me handle, so maybe I will be able to figure something out by combining them with smart usage of global flags. Maybe. No promises though.
By the way, I hid one of the most broken skills somewhere in the desert, and it looks like you didn’t find it
I should have known that the dessert map ought to have a skill scroll hidden!
I felt it was weird that both chapter 14 and 16 had one but I didnt see one on Scorched Sand
Well, another skill I’ll have to be aware of when it arrives to the full version
Sounds like either the ROM wasn’t patched properly or you’re using a bad emulator. I’ve been playtesting myself and have never ran into this issue. Also another person here just cleared the whole game.
Make sure you apply the patch to a clean US Fire Emblem 8 ROM. In regards to the emulator, I use and recommend mGBA.
Honestly, it’s cause, I started the old version, saw the new one and… Got really messed up…
I cant find it :-:
SInce i sadly didn’t have the time to reach that far let me ask…how are Myrrh and Hayden in this version?
This beta is from the lite version which includes mostly vanilla skills so Mhyrr is mostly unchanged from base game.
Hayden is still the same, he could use some BIG increase in bases, Athos style, to make himself more serviceable
Oh so Blood didn’t got that far…he did say Hayden was getting a buff. Eh let us wait for the full version…tbf once i played the full version of the OG hack i never managed to go back to a non-skill/lite version. xD
I checked for the reward on Scorched Sand since I had a save file prior route split.
Blood you are a madman with that skill XD.
Question now would be who makes better use of it…
Resolve being the skill just opens some really nasty stuff with the following characters
Valter being basically untouchable due to daunt having -15 to enemy hit, a speed cap of 28 and acess to pursuit (which tbh you might not even need)
Ephraim has a bad speed cap (24 for him is actually like really bad, Warrior Neimi has the same STR cap at 28 while also having a higher SPD cap of 27) still, he has silent pride and getting access to Resolve would even make a nasty Aether procs
Any berserker who gets access to wrath would also be a scary combo with Resolve, reminiscing of Path of Radiance actually (Dozla on postgame would actually be really nasty to run with Resolve)
Leaving aside that, Shove being a class skill really hinders some units potential on stacking skills with whatever skill scrolls might be available since it takes the class slot and that one is untouchable, maybe making it a learnable like how it happens with Bishops and Swordmasters as an optional choice would be better, as to leave choices to the player if they want to stick with it.
Hayden is not really in that bad of a spot… In postgame at least
His low speed cap will hinder him but suprisingly he is quite dodgy against dragons of upper floors and getting Mulagir makes him quite the premium choice against them
He is also supposed to be getting a crit boost skill since he is bow locked so he will get even better with time, it is just a matter of time
Hum…but the crit boost is a class skill, so what he’s getting two class skills?
It will probably be a learnable skill that you get already learned when he is recruited
It’s like when you promote you learn shove in swordmasters but then you can replace for other learnable skills, simply that you wouldnt replace crit boost over other skills
Hum…nice…Hayden quickly became one of favourite units with his design and skill set…seeing him get some extra love is always nice.
I just remembered a question…do the carriers of the Drive auras also get the bonuses of said auras? Like say Hayden has Drive Strength, does he also get the Strength boost?
No, he only applies it to allies