[FE8] [Complete] The Dark Amulet v1.6 (08/08/2024)

Mild Bug Resolution

You’re right - oops! That note at Chapter 24 is supposed to say that Edgar and Sophia are no longer essential units. I’ll make sure that’s fixed when the game’s updated.

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booooooooo lol I gotta ask are there any LGBT pairings?

thanks for the help! I got it fixed

by-the-by @Vorgus, was it an intentional running joke, or an accidental coincidence, that so many characters remind each other they have had incredible weapons on in their scabbard the whole time? I seem to recall at least a few characters question where the rest of your party is pulling these incredible tools out of their ass, and Shorn gives Edric a hard time reminding him to use his second sword he Dual-wields… I was just curious if that was an in joke between you and the play testers or some unintentional levity?

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Yes there are. Shorn x Gareth is a gay pairing, Leandra x Catrine is lesbian and bi. And I think that’s it.

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Great they were already in my mind to be in my party!!! I knew it because all his supports were family or legit friends!

I think I ran into a bug on chapter 10. Gareth character had his event but his unit never actually showed up on the map for me to recruit…and I want him on my team. I am going to cry if I have to start this chapter over because I been through so much lol

Damn…he really not on my team. I really didn’t get him because of that…my feelings are hurt :pensive:

.>Sold every elixir
.>Didn’t get the lancereaver
.>Shorn is level 12 unpromoted


I managed to beat it, but dear Naga it was a struggle and a half ; every other chapter felt great and smooth, gone by in one to three attempts, but this one had me stuck for hours. Almost considered restarting the game to powerlevel Shorn lol

But I could never give up on him… The perfect being… The god blessing my army…

Griss on chapter 10 preparations, about to promote…

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I'm about to do the funniest thing.

Had I taken the wyrmslayer from Fenix it’d be literally so easy. Even now I could manage if I can avoid the crits…

Done and done !

No death quote ? No special reward ? I’m immensely disappointed, NGL.

No, seriously, despite being pretty easy to kill the boss isn’t even going to acknowledge his defeat ?? :sob:

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Alas, the God of War is shackled to the plot...

Considering what just happened, I think it’s absolutely hilarious that he is the one having this scene.


Hey, I’ve been playing this on-and-off lately. Two suggestions:

  • Give Julia +1 Mov. Please. I beg. 6 Mov Troubadour is cringe. 7 Mov Troubadour is based.
  • Install the patch that displays the stats of monster weapons. I just had a situation where the Weight of Rotten Claws let me double a Revenant I otherwise wouldn’t double. (Side note: yes, they get weighed down by their own claws, and since you wisely decided to give them real stats, you might want to tweak that.)
Consolation Prize

Yeah, Gareth only spawning in Hard Mode is a bug I’ll need to fix. I’m sorry about that.

But there is another LGBT pairing you can get for Shorn! Him and the main man Edric have a romantic pairing, Shorn being gay, Edric being bisexual.

As noted above, Catrine and Leandra also have a romantic pairing.


you…just made me happy again!!! Switching my parings around thanks!!! I will get solider boy next playthrough it will probably be fixed by then

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A few more notes:

  • Fenix joins with an S rank in both swords and axes, but attacking once with him downgrades his weapon rank in that weapon type to A. I assume you didn’t install the patch that enables S-ranking multiple weapon types.
  • Catrine’s portrait seems out of place when it comes to its colors. It might be using FE7 colors while the other portraits do not, but that’s only a suspicion.
  • The description of “Allied Soldiers” in Chapter 8 has “allegiance” spelled as “alliegence.” I know, hard word. Happens.
  • Some proofreading of the script would be a good idea, there’s missing punctuation and incorrect capitalization every so often. Not to the point of it being very annoying, but it’s there with some consistency.
  • Hilda feels like you turned Seth into Amelia. I swear this description makes sense in context. I love her.

@Gryffe that’s… that’s incredible. Griss is supposed to a jaigen-like slow powerhouse who’s useful early on but tends to fade into the background.

Instead you’ve made him an unstoppable god of war!

Chapter 9 and Chapter 10

I’ll probably tone down enemy levels in Chapter 9 a little bit in case someone forgot to level up Shorn. Would hate to softlock anyone. Selling Elixirs… that’s just not a good strategic decision. Those potions are useful, especially for chapter 9 when you have no healer! :stuck_out_tongue:

If you had promoted Shorn, I’m sure Chapter 9 would be more manageable. But well done on completing it like you did!

For Chapter 10, I have to say, I’m so impressed with you and others who have killed Zeddard right then and there! I didn’t expect anyone to be able to do that, mostly because I’m not able to do that! Chapter 10 is supposed to be tough, with you on the defensive. Well, you flipped that totally around.

I’m going to make Zeddard a lot tougher in Chapter 10, so he’ll more accurately hit you, be too fast to double, and have a bit more bulk.

If you do still defeat him, I’ll add a special surprise.

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Keep in mind that Fate giveth… and Fate taketh… For every good level up, others… lose their shine…

When you said this game should feel like a GBA game I didn’t think you meant ‘GBA archers’ too.

Also I am very interested in this ‘special reward’, I’ll keep my eyes peeled and give it a try~
I already have improvements in mind…

15 level ups. 4 STR increases at a 40% growth rate. The fates are cruel, indeed… :stuck_out_tongue:

I find Miley is a great recipient for the Chapter 3 Energy Ring!

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yeah mane just give her better bases to miley, or give her 50% growth since you get her from the beginning, that would make her feel less lack luster (you could also buff bows overal so archers don’t feel bad to use)

I didn’t think I would be posting here today again, but here we are.

Chapter 9

I find it overtuned. For context, I’m playing on Hard Mode.

  • No healer (you have to use Vulneraries)
  • No battle preps (you can’t customize inventories, which means your units may not have Vulneraries or Elixirs and you’ll have to pull them out of Supply mid-battle)
  • Escape map (you’re on a timer, so you can’t just sit there at the start and organize inventories for a few turns)
  • The units here all happen to be the ones who aren’t performing well for me (or whom I didn’t train enough – with the exception of Rivkah, who comes in at the very end)

The combination of these aspects made this map extremely difficult for me. I decided to promote Shorn here to clear it (thankfully, the Hero Crest was in Supply, and not in the inventory of a unit that isn’t available here…), and it was still incredibly difficult. Vulneraries only restoring 10 HP (I know this is vanilla behavior, but still) certainly didn’t help. My Edric is not good, Donnal has had almost no time to be trained, my Shorn’s damage output entirely relies on him getting crits, Dwalt is almost untrained, and Sheila is completely useless here for combat purposes. Within this set of circumstances, this map was a huge difficulty spike. You might want to look into that.