[FE8] [Complete] The Dark Amulet v1.6 (08/08/2024)

Wow, out of nowhere! Really promising! Need to play this as well :wink:

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I’m not often surprised by completed FE ROM hacks on their first day. I might give it a go one day. Who knows, I might like it.

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Hey congrats on the hack! I started playing and it feels pretty fun, just one question. I’m at chapter 3, but my Hilda reached lv 10 already by the end of chapter 2, still, she did not promote automatically from recruit at the beginning of chapter 3. Is that a bug? do I need to wait a specific chapter with battle preparations or a recruit seal to promote her? I’m playing on hard by the way.

Hilda gets her recruit promotion seal at the start of Turn 2 of Chapter 3 :slight_smile:

If you don’t have a Fire tome on your mage for some reason (I used her to trade some lances off Hilda to stop her from killing herself on EP by countering too much), the chapter is fairly scuffed.

Yes, I had an iron sword and a fire tome drop very close to the start of that map for that very reason! I can see about making the fire tome even close to the level’s start.

Also classic Hilda. All offence, no defence :stuck_out_tongue:


a new hackrom? count me in^^
might be interested in streaming it, if that’s okay :woman_fairy:t3:

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That would be totally okay and welcomed! Please send me a link if you do :slight_smile:

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Hmmm… I might check this out, although right now I still got some things going on. But congrats on finishing it! That’s always a delight to see a project be done!

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Chapter 7

If you attempt to enemy phase the shamans through the door using a Javelin or some such, this will actually trigger Edric and Braggo’s brief talk in the middle of enemy phase, followed by jumpscare spawning some revenants that don’t actually end up moving. This isn’t a problem, per se, but it’s certainly the most unique ‘ambush’ spawn I’ve ever seen, wasn’t sure if it was intentional for that to happen.

Reminds me of The Last Promise. In the chapter when you fight Galagar, you could attack the valkyries near the throne room with magic or bows and, if you did it after Galagar’s first teleport in turn 3, he stopped teleporting and went to the throne room as if you were already there.

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Oh, yeah… Hey @Vorgus , what’s the support limit? Is it like in classic GBA Fire emblem (5 supports) or do we get limitless B supports with only one A?

Support limit is up to 5 B-supports, but only 1 A-support allowed per character.

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Awesome, I was afraid I would have to play the game 6 times to make all the combinations happen… Which will happen anyway because I’m loving the game.

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Credits need to be listed for the assets used in the project.
Please update the first post.


Hey, thank you, Sorry I didn’t notice I decided to wait a bit before starting the chapter, thank you for the prompt response. Another one, maybe that would also be answered if I just keep moving forward with the chapter, but given that it’s a hack, we never know when some kind of bug happens, so I thought it would be better to ask:

On chapter 4, I talked to Rowan with Edric, and he joined the party for the survival fight, but the end cutscene after the battle I got the parting ways convo. Does he rejoin at some later point? cause I’m on chapter 6 now, about to face Braggo and he’s not on my team…even worse, he left with my hammer and throwing axe… :frowning:

Hehehehe yeah Rowan will rejoin eventually, and there are 2 hand axes to find in Chapter 6.

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I knew I missed something! I’ve added credits to the top post.


Thank you bro, i really love when someone post a new page in the book of fire emblem hacks, i will give it a go in a few days.

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Glad to hear it. Enjoy, and let me know how it goes! :smile:

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has anyone been able to save every citizen in chapter 14? It seems possible using warp staff and if I deploy every flier or paladin feasible, but I was curious if anyone had a strategy that might work
bear in mind, this is my catarine going into chapter 14, and she is my only staff bot:

the Dark amulet-1

I said I was going to give feedback, and here I am!

Let’s start with the chapters:

  • Prologue: I know that you mentioned that you added a bunch of anti-turtleing spawns, but really? In the prologue? Thankfully all of the enemy units have incredibly bad stats, so it wasn’t a real problem.

  • Chapter 1: The red house near the boss gets destroyed very early on, I don’t know if that’s intentional or not, but if it is, make it a regular house instead of a red one. In turn 4 there is a Fighter that literally spawns right in the middle of the map, out of nowhere, also in the topic, would recommend to at least wait 1 more turn for the reinforcements. Fraza has C rank in lances for some reason.

  • Chapter 2: The reinforcements were better in this chapter, also I noticed a enemies getting a bit stronger, not by much but strong enough for making me think a lot my movements. Now the new guy Dwalt is a very nice unit, I really like him! (I just hope that his growths don’t betray him).

  • Chapter 3: The dialogue between Fenix and Forness when he mentioned their daughters felt out of place, while they were talking about strategy something like that seems… Very out of place, maybe that could be something better if happens after the dialogue happens. The chapter has a good phase, I like the fact of giving the Talk option a nice reward, but I think this could be too strong in the future. I shall see how it gets.

  • Chapter 4: Defend map, no much to say, couldn’t grab all chest in time, but that’s on me. Overall a nice chapter that really puts you in your toes and can cost you if you get distracted.

That’s all regarding those chapters, I will play the whole hack and then give my general impressions, for now I like where things are going.

Now with balance:

Insert Bad Joke Here
  • You made Javelins weaker but they still heavy af, maybe just give them 10 Wt overall to compensate them being weaker, the same goes for the Hand Axe.

  • Extra points for giving 50 uses to all iron weapons.

  • The units that you give to the player have abismal growths, some of them, but they have very good bases. This compensates the bad growths in the short term, I’m betting that will be a pain in the mid to late game, we shall see.

  • Speaking of unit growths, units that don’t have any use for magic should not have any growths on the magic side. Unless you also added magical axes, something that would not be surprised off. We shall see (again).

  • I know that this is the point of the hack, but the anti-turtle can be annoying sometimes, obviously I haven’t experienced it at its fullest, since I just played to chapter 4, but would recommend to maybe space out the reinforcements by one more turn.

Well that’s everything for now, will give my full feedback when I’m done, the hack seems fun and promising, even if I just played to chapter 4 now, I see some plot-points brewing, I like that.

Hey, I got to ch12 and I’m deciding to put the hack down for now, though I may come back later if changes are made.
There’s spoilers ahead.


I think the story here is overall pretty strong and really kept me engaged, I was also a big fan of the supports I read, they were very charming. Overall I think you have something really solid here.

My one nitpick is that Edric’s betrayal of Fenix feels very… weird? Not sure how to describe it, his motivation feels very not-solid for a mercenary type. I get he has his honor and everything and it works okay, but I think this bit of the story would have been really improved if he had more screentime building up a relationship with Julia and getting to be a close friend with her, and betraying Fenix for his friend’s family. I also feel kinda similarly about Galen, in the story I read I thought he felt much more strongly for Miley than any sort of oath. Not that I don’t buy it, but it feels a little bit out of nowhere for me, I think some more screentime would do him good.

There’s also a lot of cool little concepts in the maps, like the ch9 escape setpiece or the general (I forget his name, sorry) getting off his throne in ch10 to come join the fight, or the funny little warp chest room in that chapter (it doesn’t need reinforcements, though). I appreciate that sort of creativity and the game really stands out because of that. I like the betrayal in concept a lot though I had the little nitpick up there, otherwise a cool moment.

I also found a few of the maps pretty fun. Prologue and Ch1 were probably the strongest maps here, good stuff and much improved from my initial playthrough.

Again, had a lot of fun with the story/writing. Would gladly recommend this hack for that alone.


I really do hope you’ll take this feedback into account, since a lot of this is why I dropped the hack. I see a lot of potential here that I think is a bit bogged down, and I don’t mean to discourage you. Would love to come back if there are changes made. The reason this section is so long is just… I had a lot to say. Doesn’t mean I don’t really like a lot of stuff about the game! I wouldn’t have made it as far as I have if I didn’t.

I think the main issue I had with the maps/gameplay overall is that it feels very juggernauty and like you want an extremely firm grasp on the player’s actions.

Every map is so full of reinforcements that it feels like I’m choking on them, stuck at the starting position for the majority of the map, often for 5 turns or more. On top of that, the enemies are bulky, so your units (unless very blessed/using rarer weapons) cannot cut through the jungle of enemies fast enough to keep up with the rate of reinforcements appearing. I think a lot of these maps are probably fine in concept, you just seem so afraid of letting the player move forward in any sort of satisfying way or try to play freely (in my view of the design).

The anti-turtles are there to offset this, but the game just has wayyyyy too many enemies for how bulky they are. They’re strong, too, so you’re kind of incentivised to funnel exp into one unit (hilda being the most common choice, I chose the magic flier and I chose wrong, apparently. There’s too many archers for her to juggernaut effectively). So I see that javelins and handaxes are nerfed, but you give them out liberally (which is FINE, please do not remove these) and then give a huuuuge amount of enemies 1-2 range so that the optimal strategy is just to funnel exp into a strong unit who can ORKO all of these enemies with javelins/the two free javelin prfs. I don’t mind bulky enemies, but I felt completely hopeless against so many of them because my units just didn’t feel up to snuff/I invested in galen (and gave him my heavy spear! So I had no way to kill armors with a lance unit in ch10!!! This is a big issue!!).

EDIT: I forgot to mention that the enemy bulk is so extreme that in ch3 I was regularly missing oneshots with broadsword/heavy spear/horseslayer. Do what needs to be done to correct this, it’s really not okay imo.

My advice here is basically to just chill on the reinforcements/enemy density overall. It’s okay if the player isn’t being inundated with enemies every single turn and for them to move forward in the map. A lot of the maps end up not even being terribly difficult, just really tedious as I slowly move through the enemies until the deluge stops and I feel like I am allowed to move forward. I got really caught off guard by the ch7 reinforcements and other area reinforcements, but I made it through fine, so yeah, not too difficult, just tedious.

Probably the worst offenders on this front I want to say are chapter 5 and 10. ch10 is just like, why. I didn’t promote my units for it and got my ass kicked super hard, so I assume level 20 promotion isn’t intended here. Even after promo, my juggernauts were not juggernaut-y enough to survive without issue. Please tone this map down, particularly the left wing. It’s just too unforgiving unless you have a jacked hilda who can ORKO every enemy, you’re basically not getting those chests unless you have that. It ends up being way too long, either you aren’t equipped to handle it (in my case because I overinvested in gale/elyse accidentally instead of funneling exp into hilda so she could solo the map) or you are. In the first case it’s just untenable to survive 14 turns, in the second it’s boring sitting in chokes for 14 turns. I would recommend cutting the map down to 10 turns, with the general getting up on turn 6/7. I really like the setpiece but I don’t think it’s a good map at all as is, shortening it would tighten up the pacing and make it better for both outcomes.

Ch11 also deserves a shout. I don’t think this map is bad or anything, I didn’t have too much trouble with it, but you’re being chased by high avoid mauthe doogs with 7 mov at a point where most of my army has 5 mov. They come pretty early too, so I just kept one of my fliers back to deal with them, but it just felt a little counter to escaping. My next point is also heavily colored by my recent experience with the map.

Another thing is that the maps feel like, too terrain heavy? maybe I’m just imagining things but it feels like you put down so many forests that it’s very common for enemies to have +20 avoid, and it makes moving through the map so much more difficult for any unit that’s not a peg (which are already zoned by archers). I don’t know what the exact solution here is, but I’d like less terrain. Not no terrain, just not forests constantly blocking the main path so hard.

A minor issue with the absolute overload of enemies I didn’t mention is that your weapons just get worn down wayyyy too quickly, especially with preps markup there to suck up your money if you don’t know exactly how many irons you need for ch10 or whatever. I’d recommend removing preps markup, and if you don’t remove any reinforcements, at least making some items have more uses. Irons with 60 would be nice, or javelins/handaxes with 30-35.

I also played on Hard and am not the best FE player, but I’ve talked to a few people about this and they seems to feel similarly to me. Maybe you don’t need to overcorrect but I still think what I’ve said here is worth considering, even if I didn’t really abuse Dwalt’s skill or feed hilda optimally. Really do believe this would have benefitted from a few more rounds of outside testing before release, even if what’s here is perfectly serviceable a lot of the time.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that I think the huge enemy bulk probably makes tancred/other mages optimal to feed because mages are just so much better at one rounding due to lower enemy res by a lot (though they miss one-rounds often, too). His defenses are good, so he’s probably a great juggernaut. This is not me saying he needs a nerf, please if you do anything based on this post, it’s what I said above.

Let me know if you have any other specific questions, I really hope to see this project keep improving and I’m looking forward to what you put out in the future! Glad to see credits added as well.