[FE8] [Complete] Fire Emblem: swordrequiem V1.4(20 main chapters)

Since it is one of the last maps, so of difficult level, it would be reasonable to have them move and attack. I don’t remember how many there are: maybe 6 above and 6 below? If so, maybe decrease their amount.

Regarding the overall text, dialogue and narration, a topic I have not yet addressed, your english seems to me very good grammatically and semantically. The narration is clear, simple and smooth, from my point of view; but english is not my language and my knowledge of it is only scholastic. Regarding the coherence, naturalness and fluency of the narrative and language compared to real, everyday use, a native english speaker should judge more wisely than me. :grin:

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There are 4 on the top and 4 on the bottom, but they have powerful weapons. The Destroyer has Mt 20 Hit 75 Crit 20, and it can perform consecutive attacks.
In the next update, I will make them move and attack actively and reduce their numbers.

Thank you for your evaluation. As long as the story can be accurately portrayed, it’s a great recognition for me. English is not my native language either, so there are errors in many places. All I can do is minimize and correct those errors.

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In my opinion, if there are only eight, they are fine; if there were fewer, they would not really be reinforcements, or not? Perhaps equip them with less lethal weapons. :wink:

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You’re right.That’s a good suggestion.

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Regarding maps 17 and 18 I have very little to say: very well done. The position, quantity and power of enemies is well thought out and calibrated. Right degree of difficulty, with a few surprise attacks, especially in the second one, but nothing insurmountable, especially thanks to Selba, Leo, Claire and Siegfried and their extraordinary weapons that strike repeatedly and with high probability of critical hits. :sunglasses:

Just a little side note. I noticed that after a few chapters, there is no introductory dialogue after the screen with the chapter title, but the unit selection and organization screen appears right away: too bad, some introductory information about the subsequent events, with some additional interaction between the characters I would have gladly appreciated.

Sadly, we are almost at the end of this fun and engaging journey. :sneezing_face:

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I’m glad you appreciate the feedback on maps 17 and 18. In this game, I aimed for players to make more use of the available items and purchasable weapons, rather than having their characters rely on an Iron Sword throughout. Of course, valuing weapons and saving money is indeed a good virtue.

You’re absolutely right; in the last few chapters, communication among the group has decreased. Fueled by the loss of our comrades, I, like Siegfried, only want to put an end to the source of all this as quickly as possible.

You’ll soon be able to confront the final boss. Make the most of all your resources.

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First up sorry i said i will write a review few months back but i could no as i got my phone smashed by accident and when repairing bye bye went my data i did not
have a back up of that time soo rip my saves. I will give it a go again after i help someone’s pme support writing and deal with my irl works

I just finished it. Overall it is a very good work. Interesting and compelling plot, with several twists and unexpected revelations. Well-characterized and lovable protagonists.
I actually expected the final boss, once he ingested the evil egg, to turn into something monstrous (dragon or similar), but instead he remained the same as before. What a pity.

I forgot to mention that all the names of locations, which appear at the top of a map before deployment, erroneously begin with a lowercase letter. For the sake of perfection they should be corrected.

Truly excellent maps, the last ones of medium or high difficulty but always fair and easily tackled on real hardware, without the use of save states. Only the desert escape map was excessively difficult, but with recent changes it has improved greatly.

Good job, I hope many more users will play this entertaining game and be able to appreciate your storytelling, creativity and inventiveness.

Greetings and Good luck. :wink:

No worries at all! Accidents happen, and losing data when your phone got smashed is definitely a setback.and I understand how that can be frustrating. It’s great to hear that you’re willing to give it another try, Good luck, and I hope you enjoy the game this time around!

Congratulations on completing the game! I’m delighted that you enjoyed the work. The final boss ultimately remains human, indeed a departure from the more common dragon or monster confrontations in many works.

(FE6: We defeated a Demon Dragon
FE7: We took down a Fire Dragon
FE8: We vanquished a Demon King
FE5: We dealt with a reclusive dark mage in a dimly lit basement)

As for the location names starting with lowercase letters, I will make sure to correct them to uppercase. Thank you for your keen observation, which will help me improve the game.
Once again, congratulations on your completion, and I wish you a wonderful life.

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(Just finish the game)
It’s a good game with a interesting story and a cool animation but it kinda make me sad for the story because some of them die when I’m starting to take a like to them. Anyway it’s a good game, my rating is 8.5/10

Thank you for your assessment. In war, there always accompanies the regrettable inevitability of sacrifices. I, too, feel sorry about it.

I played this on and off for about a week, enjoyed! Thanks for this. Played blind, normal growth and without any crazy cheese. Thoughts;

General stuff

The good

  • Lovely art. Backgrounds, sprites.
  • Option to play fixed or normal growths
  • Custom skill icons for many skills
  • Stats caps not being vanilla caps of 20/30/60 (min, max, hp).
  • Houses giving stuff!
  • Super Early Metis Tome
  • +1 Mov on armors
  • Prep armory that changes and doesn’t have any markup.
  • Revive/Hammerne availability.
  • Higher level caps and xp gain
  • Many more units than vanilla can cross river/peak
  • Supports build really fast
  • Several cool weapons
  • High durability weapons
  • Weaker crits


  • Justin having Swap as a mechanic is cool, but also not relevant in practice, could have just given him all 4 weapon ranks at once.
  • Handful of things were left untranslated
  • Felt there was a little too many weapons and overlapping.
  • Since everyone has Expertise, could just have lowered crit multiplier to x2 across the board and mentioned it?
  • Canto isn’t defualt skill for mounted units
  • Kind of wish player got Dancer, boots, hoplon guard and at least one of the Greatbows.
  • No difficulty select. Everyone plays the same hack.
  • Seperating staff and tome was interetsing as an idea, but really no fun to have a t2 monostaff unit.
  • No Dark or Light magic. Everything is Anima
  • Only gameovered twice; Chapter 13 and 19.


  • No support conversions
  • Many cases of ambush-ish spawns. Where moving a unit will then spawn several foes and at that point can’t react. Even worse due to Canto being rare and no Rescue staff. Even just some movement skills like Shove could help.
  • A lot of foes have listed move but don’t move. That being said some have listed – mov so unsure if intended or jus tforgot to set “immobile” foes to no mov.
  • Game gets enemy-dense. I shouldn’t really need to fight some 40 foes per map.
  • Third and final guiding ring showed up really late.
  • Barely anything for thief to Steal or Lockpick
  • Star count was never really relevant so would’ve been better if status screen showed enemy and player army counts.
  • Random proc skills on foes, especially on top of crit are just not fun. Things like Luna and Great shield aren’t something one can plan around.
  • Chapter 6 boss is BS. No way to kill him without risking unit death. I’d propose swapping his secondary to Hand Axe.
  • Promotion item says 15+ but works at 10+
  • Several cases, of note that I wrote down being chapter 4 is that swordmen and mages have dark rank for some reason. Swordmen also have staff rank.
  • Chapter 8 has cavaliers with Expertise twice
  • Not sure of details, but several times I had the game lock up after promoting Hawk, and then doing combat with a Brave. Him with javelin, them with Hand Axe. Had to turn off his animations. Noticed on chapter 15.
  • Chapter 13 Ewaje has an energy ring in inventory that neither drops or is stealable.
  • Seems to be missing supports? Support screen for example from Zypher and Beth show a female Warlord as ???. I presume this is meant to be Devona.
Unit thoughts
  • Siegfried - Lord is lord. Solid in the first place, got my Metis Tome and then melted once Laevatein was acquired. Would’ve ORKO final boss, both phases if not for a Great Shield proc.
  • Leo - Early carry. Great growths and all around solid. By end of game just wasn’t As good as other units.
  • Hawk - High def, reasonable speed, Keep up letting him move faster than infantry. Held back by his inability to double later but amazing tank. Barricade helps too.
  • Justin - MVP. I of course had him show up 1 turn After using Metis Tome on lord. Awesome offense on top of Galeforce and Aether. Charge is good too. Bows allow for range 3.
  • Adonis - had a little use early for thief stuff, late hit and run with canto+
  • Oddys - First promotion. All around solid but nothing stand out for better or worse.
  • Beth - Healbot that can fight back. Rarely saw combat.
  • Clare - Another MVP. Being crit immune is huge, Canto+ great, comes with prf brave, and Glacies procs help kill.
  • Charlotte - Another MVP. Crit immune, Vantage+ +Seeker allowed for a few one-shots of enemy fliers, Canto+ and flying are all awesome. Even better once I got Fili Shield
  • Shivah - Final MVP. Flying, Galeforce. Nullify/Charge nice too.
  • Zypher - Bond bot.
  • Elly - Early healer, never bothered promoting
  • Lydia - Canto+ is nice along with range 3 attack option, Darting Blow and later Light Weight, but nevertheless wasn’t worth keeping on my team by the end.
  • Shedah - Tried to make him work for the +1 range but just lacked stats.
  • Cynn - Worst of the Hero Crest units. Only really used for her join map.
  • Selpha - Backup tank I guess? I preffered Hawk
  • Devona - Only used for join map. Not bad so much as better units exist.
  • Ewaje - Only used a little. Too frail for my taste. Didn’t promote.
  • Diva - Wanted to use, but ran out of money for revives so never made it into last few chapters. Didn’t promote.
  • Zetti - The better Lydia. +1 tome range is awesome. Solid stats. Sadly died on 19 from derp and didn’t really need for final so didn’t revvie
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