FE7: No Redundancy Edition (Update: 9 September 2023)

I can’t patch the new patch with FE7.

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My apologies, I have uploaded a new version. Please try again anytime.

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Hey this may be a dumb question but how do you recruit waltz (I’m on Linus version of four fanged offense if that matters)? If he’s based on Wallace it’s one of the caelin crew but most of them have been absorbed into eliwood’s units and idk if they count. Similarly if based on Geitz dart is part of Guy now and a similar issue arises. Just need to know if I need to send fiorina, helywood, Darvey, Kainwen, or Wilbecca over to grab him since I’d rather not send the whole squad over.

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Currently, on the Linus Map, only Darvey can recruit him.

The dropbox link is down. Could you reup it?