FE GBA text generator?

Sorry for not being helpful :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you for trying, still

If you can’t run ct2 and don’t want to install wsl, you can use python’s pillow lib. I use that to parse pictures.

I don’t know what pillow lib is

If the pictures you want to generate are not that many, there is another way. You can directly hack the rom and edit the string. Then use mgba to export the bg layer and obj layer as a picture.

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And I think the code table is ascii so you don’t need ocr

Perhaps this is more of what you’re looking for? I used this handy program for converting spritesheets to TTF fonts to turn the font from FE7 ( should be the same as FE8 ) into a font you can use anywhere in your computer.

FE7 TTF Font: FE7 Font.ttf - Google Drive


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I’ll try this. Thanks!

Although… the font you linked looks nothing like FE7

It’s a color font, so it’ll look right once you go to use it.
Download it, then double click, then hit install.

Just checked, and I think it’s only going to work in things that support color fonts. It definitely will work in image editors.
Since the FE7/8 font has that dropshadow color, you’d have to remove that dropshadow if you wanted it to be consistent everywhere, but it wouldn’t quite be the same typeface then.

I did…

It looks worse in MS Paint

Maybe use Paint.NET instead?

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Thank you! This works now! I’ll try to make a font out of the Item font now. Thank you so much!