FE GBA text generator?

Is there a way to take the font from the FE8 ROM, and generate text on an inage with it? Like in a way that is aligned with the pixels? FEBuilder doesn’t help with this. Neither can I find a font that is pixel perfect on MS Paint

You can try this repo, previously I use this tool to generate custom game-intro screen

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That is EXACTLY what I want to do. However… could I ask you for a tutorial on how to use it? I can’t read Chinese

Maybe not a good idea, and I think you need google translate.

Maybe just one command will done:

./text2bmp -g 0xffff -f 0x0 -c 2 -u 16 -d 8 -l 16 -r 8 -i 8 test3.txt > test3.bmp

Am I supposed to run this on a command window???

Please, just explain how it works.

  1. Firstly get a linux environment
  2. pull the repo
  3. make
  4. write something to text3.txt, such as:
echo "helloworld mokha" > test3.txt
  1. generate bmp
./text2bmp -g 0xffff -f 0x0 -c 2 -u 16 -d 8 -l 16 -r 8 -i 8 test3.txt > test3.bmp
  1. get test3.bmp

How do I get a linux environment? I am on Windows 10

try wsl

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I think you can try crystal tile 2. It supports to generate pictures. It’s made by Chinese too, but I think there are translated versions. The tool has many features such as image importing / exporting, auto matching similar colors, char table loading, etc. Unless you really want a cli than gui, you can try it.

I just tried it out, but it doesn’t work. It crashes as soon as I open the ROM

Maybe you can open the tool first and open the rom from the tool bar. It’s an old tool written in 2007, so it has some compatibility issues.

That’s literally what I did. Opened the program, file, open, FE8.gba, program crash

:thinking:maybe it’s because the translation version you use has some bug?
I’m on Windows 10 19042.1706
and my ct2 works fine.(I use Chinese version)
maybe you can find other translated versions?

I’m on windows 10 too. I can’t find an older version.

I dont think this program is the solution

If you really can’t run ct2, you may try this instead

not sure if this can adjust bpps though.
you can also try ct2’s chinese version and refer to the translated version.


There’s no EXE file to download

Download “GBA.Explorer.WIN.zip” from this page and extract the folder somewhere. In this zip should be a “GBA Explorer-win32-x64” folder; inside is the exe file for this program.

Ok. I got it to work… but looking at this rogram, it doesn’t seem it really does much. How does this help me?

If the glyph lib of fe8 is a 4bpp picture, you can export the whole lib with the tool and combine the chars with photoshop.
However that’s not easy, and I’m not sure the exact bpp of fe8’s glyph lib, so I guess it’s better for you to install wsl and use Mokha’s method.

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If I wanted to just extract the font textures, I could use FEBuilder. This isn’t useful to me at all.

What I’m looking for is something that can take the FE8 font, and let me write text with it, to then generate an image with that text in that font.