FE_Builder_GBA -- If you have any questions, attach report7z

str / mag split competes with breaksave.
Projects using breaksave need to switch to ExSaveModule.
ExSaveModule has 100 supplies.
breaksave has 200 Supplies.
As a result, they lose 100 additional supplies.

So I’m worried.

if have two skill systems, I will need twice as much work.
So I don’t want to do that either.

Can I replace breaksave with ExSaveModule?
I want to hear opinions.

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Does anyone know how this support/divorce patch is supposed to work / be implemented?

I added the patch but can’t figure it out.

It’s a bit cumbersome to use because it’s a patch made in the past.
Calling this patch in an event will reset the support of the unit currently being operated.
For example, suppose you create a House event and create an event that resets support if the unit that visits it pays.

Please see FE8J Hack such as kaitou patch for the actual scene.

With support from someone, visiting the house and paying 1000 gold will reset the assistance.

She has the support of two people.

I want to get rid of the support, so I go to a suspicious store.

A suspicious person has said that 1000 gold can be used to eliminate support.

I paid money.

Her support has disappeared.

The support of the other party will also disappear.


I think we could made some kind of poll, or ask the guys of the skill system if they can get 200 supply slots

I noticed another issue with the latest version of the skill system. If I use the same “Unit Number” for multiple units with different classes, all of them will have the same skill set. For instance, all of the classes in these screenshots have the skill set of the Druid class, even though they should have the skill sets of their respective classes:

This is especially troublesome if I want to use a unit number for generic enemies with different classes.

Is something set for the unit skill (character skill)?
Please Send report7z.
I want to observe the condition.

If supply 200, save data will be consumed more than 200 bytes.
This consumes almost all the free space of the save data currently prepared.
The free space of the save data becomes almost zero and future expandability is lost.
Therefore, I think that it is unlikely to be implemented.


I have a problem with my fire emblem 7 romhack, which is nearing completion, so I can not afford to go back to a backup, or start over… :confused:
With use of the ‘Stat Bar Max Length’ patch, we can exceed 30 as a cap,
so we can have stats like Str: 44, Skill: 36, etc.
Problem is, suddenly when stats get up to a certain number(around 40), if you suspend/close the game, they will then decrease to around 0.
Like from 44 to 12 or 36 to 0.

When I suspend and then continue the chapter his stats decrease this:

Thanks in advance!

Yours sincerely,
Geert Kaas

This is the save data specification.
By default, status cannot exceed 31.
This is because the save data is saved in 5 bits.

(2^5) - 1 = 31

With FE8, there is an extension that can save up to 63 by extending the save data.

However, it does not exist in FE7U.
(There seems to be a limit break patch in FE7J)

Do you want to make a patch for FE7U yourself, procure from somewhere, or whether the status should be 31 or less?
The most realistic is to limit the status limit to 31 or less.

So it isn’t possible in FE7U? :frowning:
Is there really no workaround?
I know Blazer used a stat cap increase in The Last Promise.
Do you know what this is? Here’s a picture.

Thanks for replying so quickly

I’m pretty sure The Last Promise also has the same problem. I remember there being a way to cheese a chapter by resetting and resuming. That was long enough ago that I may be remembering it wrong.

I heard that TLP is not remodeling save data, but raised bottom.
I heard rumors that by adding a specific value to the initial value, It was only impersonating the value and the actual stored data would not exceed 31.

I can’t translate well.

No, there is no character skill set for the unit number. Here is the report:

There seems to be no problem with vanilla.
Probably UnitID: 0x32 Remnant seems to induce a bug.
In Vanilla, UnitID: 0x8D Remnant is used.

UnitID 0x32 is UnitID: 0x45 or lower, so it is a UnitID that can be a join the party.
It may have caused a bug in SkillSystems.

UnitID: 0x32 Remnant

UnitID: 0x8D Remnant


UnitIDs of a certain value and lower have their skills saved, so it is using the same skillset for all of them. 7743’s solution is correct.


So I am trying to import the animation for Apocalypse in FEBuilder for FE7 and there’s no option to do this. I even installed the CSA patch too. How would actually accomplish this?

I was unaware that slots 45 and lower were for player units. I switched the unit number for 8D and now everything seems to be working flawlessly. Thank you very much for answering so quickly!

Please read this

So I was messing around with unit placer on FEbuilder and I screwed up under event name and added all these things that weren’t needed. How would I delete the extras and revert it back to the previous state?


Click extended list and put the new number as 1 or however many you want it to be. If you want to get rid of it entirely just put in 0.