FE_Builder_GBA -- If you have any questions, attach report7z

Hello, in my hack, I have noticed a strange bug where the numbers of the bwl display will display just fine, but the letters will for some reason only show up if the value is 10 or above. This applies to both when it displays at the character ending at the end of the game and on the status screen in repeat playthroughs.

Here is an example:

As you can see the L displays as the value is 10 or over, whereas the B and W do not. Below I have linked the ups file, but unfortunately I could not link a ups file of a patch before the glitch as this seems to be a glitch that has been around for over 6 months (I only keep backup files up to 6 months back), and it is why I haven’t been able to figure out the problem myself. Obviously it’s not a game-breaking bug, but I’d like to fix it if possible.

I don’t understand.
I don’t know how to remove the main character from the world map.
With FE8, the main character moves via the world map PATH.
But you are not using the worldmap PATH, so you have to use the WM_PUTMOVINGSPRITE command to move it.
The main character cannot WM_PUTMOVINGSPRITE, so it is currently stuck.

Also, you forgot REMSPRITE, so you should be careful with that.
Whatever you make appear with PUTSPRITE must be erased with REMSPRITE.

  1. how can i reproduce this?
  2. i need a previous version that does not have this problem.
  1. Reproduce by applying the patch “show record at under status” and just load up the game.

  2. Unfortunately I do not have a previous version without the problem. I only keep backups up to 6 months ago and all of them seem to have this problem. It’s why I’ve been having so much trouble solving it myself. The only thing I can think of is that it’s perhaps related to @Snakey1’s modular exp patch, but I don’t know for certain.

I don’t know because don’t have a backup.
There are 18,000 differences from vanilla, so I don’t think it is possible to identify any of these.

Can we get a patch that slightly widens the goal window based on Vesly’s ASM? Thanks!

You can use advanced editors → insert ea btw.

Just copy paste what I wrote into notepad.exe and save as a .txt or .event file, then insert.

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I made a patch.

NAME.en=Make goal window text slightly longer
NAME.zh=Make goal window text slightly longer

INFO.en=This patch slightly increases the width of the chapter objective window displayed in the upper right (or lower right) of the map.


AUTHOR=Vesly https://feuniverse.us/t/veslys-asm/12011/133
COMBO=Default: 8 width|OFFF|Fix: 10 width|FIXA

Hi! Minor issue I noted.

The Stat Calculator is wrong, at least for FE6. There’s a mouseover that says the stats of promoted units assume the unit is promoted at Level 10. In truth, the Stat Calculator does not do that; it assumes the Promoted unit in question was a Level 1 Promoted unit from the day it was born.

This wouldn’t be an issue for player characters, but generic characters have growth rates that are decided by their class, with lower growth rates as their Promoted class.

My reference for this is the FE6 Sniper.

…I haven’t gotten far enough into FE6 recently to test this in-game.

EDIT: I just tested it; both are wrong. It’s either that generic units are Promoted at Level 20, or that prepromoted enemy units are generated with 20 extra Levels that are then subtracted from the sheet. This is only tested on FE6 Chapter 12, though.

2ND EDIT: With more testing, mainly at later chapters, it does appear that generic Promoted units do have 20 extra Levels when calculating their stats, but with their bad promoted-class Growth Rates. It’s either that or I’m witnessing immense stat-screwing.

3RD EDIT: One interesting thing in the Ilia path is that the Promoted enemies are at levels that make it look like they promoted at the same level that the unpromoted enemies around them are. For instance, due to the growth rates the Falco Knight has, a Level 6 one would appear to have promoted as a Level 17 Pegasus Knight, and that’s the gap between the Pegasus Knights and Falco Knights in Chapter 18 (Ilia). In Chapter 20 (Ilia), the Level 7 Heroes have stats that look like they promoted from one of the Level 18 Mercenaries around them at Level 18, while the Level 8 Snipers look like they were promoted from Level 18 (like the Level 18 Archers arming the Ballistae).

Please attach data to confirm this.

It appears I cannot.

Playing the game shows that Stat Calculator levels for Pre-Promotes are only accurate if you add 20 to the Level of whatever unit you’re trying to estimate, however.

The math used in the Stat Calculator itself ignores the preceding class entirely; which makes sense, since you have both Pirates and Brigands promoting into Berserkers in FE6. When you add 20 levels to it, you get stats that line up with what generic prepromotes have, with less random deviation than Microsoft Excel.

…Then there’s the issue of Generic prepromoted units at Level 1 all having the same stats, while the Stat Calculator treats them as starting at Level 0 and their Level 1 being a level-up… (The same issue with Leveling from 20 to 21 for Promoted classes)

Can we get Contro’s FE8 Canto Bug Fix as a patch? I know we can install it manually with EA, but I think it’s better if builder has patches documented.

NAME.en=Fixed glitch that prevented cavalry's CANTO move again after open menu(ver Contro)
INFO.en=Cavalry units can re-move(CANTO) after using an item or after a dance or steal command.\r\nHowever, if you select the exchange menu or convoy menu before selecting the command, the re-move may not occur.\r\nThis is because opening the exchange or convoy menu overwrites gActionData.MoveCount=0xFF, even if you don't exchange anything.\r\nThis patch fixes that issue and always causes cavalry to re-move after selecting the trade menu.

NAME=取引メニューを開いた後に、騎兵の再移動が発生しないバグ修正(ver Contro)
NAME.en=Fixed glitch that prevented cavalry's CANTO move again after open menu(ver 7743)
INFO.en=Cavalry units can re-move after using an item or after a dance or steal command.\r\nHowever, if you select the exchange menu or convoy menu before selecting the command, the re-move may not occur.\r\nThis is because opening the exchange or convoy menu overwrites gActionData.MoveCount=0xFF, even if you don't exchange anything.\r\nThis patch fixes that issue and always causes cavalry to re-move after selecting the trade menu.

NAME=取引メニューを開いた後に、騎兵の再移動が発生しないバグ修正(ver 7743)

Use whichever you like.

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Are there important differences between them? I looked through the source codes and found that the implementations are different.

EDIT: Never mind, tested it and found no differences.

I apologize if this has been asked before, but I couldn’t find the answer. Is it possible to create a Warp Tile?

You can use RANGE conditions or a staircase patch to achieve warp.

I’m trying to use the “Added a game option that staff and dances do not display anime” patch, but it doesn’t work. When I turn the option ON, it force resets the game

First, please submit the report 7z as evidence.

Hi, I’m using the Change Tilename patch. It says that the coordinates can be the 0xFF wildcard. However, I can’t write FF in the boxes as they seem to take integers only. Setting the coordinates to be 255 (0xFF in decimal) doesn’t work either. Help would be appreciated. Thanks!

I believe it saying that you can use 0xFF as a wildcard for that value is an error, as there is no such functionality in the code.

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