FE_Builder_GBA -- If you have any questions, attach report7z

If you’re having issues with memory slots, perhaps you should edit it as its event assembler form. FEBuilder puts common commands on the same line to be user-friendly so people don’t need to worry about memory slots.

For example Imm BNE (result != 0x1) is really set memory slot 7 to 0x1 then BNE slot 0xC and slot 0x7.

Hope this helps. I can take more of a look later.

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Thanks, if you want to look at the event from the root, the main event starts in 9B9DC74 and the “repair” event is the fifth one called.
The problem SHOULD be in 9B9F590 since the others works ok, but really I have no idea what is causing it since with a 7 it’s all ok and with a 8 it’s not.

How do you edit in the event assembler form?

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One thing that pops out at me is that you have events that are calling the event that is already running several times in a row. You should use goto instead.

Wtf, really? I was sure that GOTO couldn’t go “up” for some reason.

I wasn’t sure of everything you were doing so I just wrote my own version of the event. Hope this helps.


Unfortunately, SilentGiveItem cannot give an item stored in memory slot 3, so the annoying “Got an Iron Sword” pops up. I do this to compare the durability of a fresh item compared to how many uses yours has. I also don’t know of a way to check the cost of an item with events, so this is simply hard coded to charge 8 gold per durability of the item it repairs. Hopefully this is still useful, though.

Repair weapon event

400D071E0DB11708	//Get [Unit:0x7 Andre]'s [Status:0x1E Item 1] of unit
2006C300	//SADD[PackedMemorySlot:0xC3 Slot3=SlotC+Slot0]
4F32550000000000	//Load one Player unit [Character:0x55 Jorah] with it's default parameters at [X:0][Y:0], unit will dissapear at end of events(SPAWN_CUTSCENE_ALLY)
400501000100000027345500	//Causes unit condition to be turned on[Unit:0x55 Jorah][Condition:0x1 Hide](UNCM)
20375500	//GIVEITEMTO[Character:0x55 Jorah](GIVE_ITEM)
400D551F0DB11708	//Get [Unit:0x55 Jorah]'s [Status:0x1F Item 1 piece] of unit
2006C200	//Copy memory slot C to memory slot 2(MOV VAL_2,VAL_C / SADD)
400D071F0DB11708	//Get [Unit:0x7 Andre]'s [Status:0x1F Item 1 piece] of unit
2006C100	//Copy memory slot C to memory slot 1(MOV VAL_1,VAL_C / SADD)
21062101	//SSUB[PackedMemorySlot:0x121 Slot1=Slot2-Slot1]
4005020008000000	//SVAL[MemorySlot:0x2 Slot2][Value_to_store:0x8]
22062401	//SMUL[PackedMemorySlot:0x124 Slot4=Slot2*Slot1]
28190000	//Checks your gold balance(CHECK_MONEY)
450C50970C000400	//BLT (If [MemorySlotX:0xC Result] <  [MemorySlotY:0x4 Slot4], Then Jump to [Conditional ID:0x9750], Else execute following)
400D04009DAF1708	//Convert [MemorySlot:0x4 Slot4] value to string
201A0000201B5A1E201D0000221B0000	//Dialog (conversation)[conversation text:0x1E5A Pay G  to repair?](TEXTSTART+TEXTSHOW+TEXTEND+REMA)
4005070001000000410C00900C000700	//Imm BNE (If Result != [Value:0x1], Then Jump to [Conditional ID:0x9000], Else execute following)
400D551F0DB11708	//Get [Unit:0x55 Jorah]'s [Status:0x1F Item 1 piece] of unit
2006C200	//Copy memory slot C to memory slot 2(MOV VAL_2,VAL_C / SADD)
400D071F1DA15109	//Set [Unit:0x7 Andre]'s [Status:0x1F Item 1 piece] to SVAL2(LOW)
20064300	//SADD[PackedMemorySlot:0x43 Slot3=Slot4+Slot0]
22370000	//GIVETOSLOT3(LOW)
20090090	//GOTO[Conditional ID:0x9000]
20085097	//LABEL[Conditional ID:0x9750]
201A0000201B591E201D0000221B0000	//Dialog (conversation)[conversation text:0x1E59 Hey! These money are](TEXTSTART+TEXTSHOW+TEXTEND+REMA)
20080090	//LABEL[Conditional ID:0x9000]
2E345500	//[Character:0x55 Jorah]Erase (kill) unit without death SFX(DISA_IF)
2802070020010000	//Event end(also serves as a section to no fade)(EVBIT_T+ENDA)

Copy this into a .txt file and import it with febuilder.

Edit: Realized I forgot to actually charge the player.

Also I see that you have a store in your transport unit. Sme has an ASM hack for this if you prefer.

[ASM] Shop Unit (FE8)


I was planning to make a long list of every repairable weapon ID and make the event run for every single case, your solution should allow me to skip that, thanks.

For the price, same thing, I will make an event with all the cases and select there the price, also… it might be done all in a single event (control if it’s a repairable weapon and selecting the right price for use).

Btw I also wanted the player to be able to chose how much to repair the weapon, that’s what the first event was supposed to do.

I want the merchant to be able to gain exp from every one of those action (depending on how much money you spend), I don’t think it would be possible in a regular shop event.

You can easily edit my version to do that. Simply adjust the end durability you want to give the item based on player input using some conditionals. I feel like this makes it more complicated without much payoff, though you’re free to do as you wish with your time.

I would however instead suggest just using Tequila’s asm hack that optionally combines items when storing them.

Also, thinking back at this, those events were supposed to be cloned for each type of weapon, so it would have been easier to recall the event, “one*type of weapon” number less to change.

And in the end, this was the problem :smiley:
I changed the events and now it works, thank you!

It seems I can’t make an event that recall itself more than 7 times.

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I was exploring the hacking dropbox and stumbled upon this asm by Crazycolorz5.

fix weapons pic

Perhaps you could make use of it.

I had a weird thought. Is it possible to give other weapon types staff affects? example: say I wanted to make a sword that targeted and healed allies instead of doing damage to enemies. I looked around in FEBuilder to see how it might work but couldn’t seem to find a way


No, it is not easy to do this. You’re better off just changing the staff icons & animations to whatever you feel like. You might be able to set the animation for a specific unit. Eg. Your sword + staff user heals things by stabbing them for some bizarre reason.

Other effects like poison and sleep can already be applied via weapons & skills. But staff effects themselves are complicated.

Not really any reason, I just wondered if it was possible.

Then it could give that weapon rank experience instead of staff rank experience. I know staff effects are pretty limited and you can’t really change them.

It actually should be doable. If you set the “item use effect” to heal, you can use that sword as a staff by using it in the item menu. You will stab the person to heal them, but it should work.

SkillSystems 20200807
There was a bug in SkillTester that caused an infinite loop when trying to equip dark magic.
So I’ll revert SkillTester to the June version.

Source Code

I have registered Rombite’s translation in the FEBuilderGBA patch as a “SkillSystems Spanish translation resource”.
After installing (or updating) SkillSystems, install this resource patch to use Spanish SkillSystems.

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It is a common problem that somebody will download from the github page and not be able to figure out how to install febuilder, with it appearing in Japanese and users getting confused. I suggest changing the first post as most users should just download the .exe file. I’ve seen this happen at least 4 times now. Below is how I would organize it:



What I suggest
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Thank you for your suggestions.
I added it.

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