FE_Builder_GBA -- If you have any questions, attach report7z

No I don’t sorry

Are you looking for an event by pressing F5?

Vanilla cannot exceed Lv 31.
This is the specification of save data and UnitPlacer.
To achieve a higher level, you need to fix them, but I think it is quite difficult.

Hmm. Okay, thanks for letting me know.

And @marlon0024 thanks for patch heads-up, I’ll look for that when I get my pc back.

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I’ve been looking to remove the route split and then proceed with either a world skip or do something FE7 like with the world map, though that seems a bit harder. If its a simple event (the split), then I’m sorry for overlooking something that simple. ^^; I’ll check again. Thank you!

SkillSystems 2020411
This is a version that fixes various bugs in ver 20200223.

New function.

How to Update:

If you are using 20200223, update as follows.

Source Code

Custom Build


Why were the Passive Boosts and Double Weapon Triangle options removed? Bugs?

They were probably incorporated in the update, no?

Notational problem.
The function is installed correctly.
I forgot to include a MOD that rewrites the screen display.
Please update FEBuilderGBA because it was corrected.

Hello, I just have been checking the new skill systems update, and it looks like the issue with the split is still there, now, looks like monsters are not using strength for their monster weapons because their atk is only equivalent to the weapon might, this seems to be the case for revenant and entombed

This particular revenant has 8 strength and only has 7 atk, the equivalent to weapon might

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Units that are unrecruited or dead still load during the event (in this case the chapter start event) and vanish once the event is over. I don’t think this is supposed to happen.
Gif Load units command shortened
If I can’t find a fix for this I’ll have to rewrite the start of all chapters before you unlock the prep screen, which would be quite troublesome.

Why are you using LOAD2?
Please use LOAD1 when you read your party.

This is a bug.
I forgot to assign a monster weapon to Str.
I fixed it.


I update the SkillSystems package.

If you have a similar problem, please send report7z.
I will fix it.
If you want to fix it yourself, run CustomBuild.

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Thanks a lot, I’ll use this patch

I see there are many useful patches regarding EXP formula recently added. Thanks! Could another be added adjusting “Class Bonus B” values?

Calculation of Class Bonus B is quite troublesome.
Therefore, explanation of the contents of that part is omitted.

If write in pseudo code, it becomes the following expression.

int Calc_Class_Bonus_B()
	if(Class->UnPromoted) return 0;
	int c = Class->SupportClass->ClassRelationPower;
	return ((c * 4) + c) * 4;


0802C3A8 6800   ldr r0, [r0, #0x0]
0802C3AA 6A80   ldr r0, [r0, #0x28]
0802C3AC 6A99   ldr r1, [r3, #0x28]
0802C3AE 4308   orr r0 ,r1
0802C3B0 2180   mov r1, #0x80
0802C3B2 0049   lsl r1 ,r1 ,#0x1
0802C3B4 4008   and r0 ,r1
0802C3B6 2800   cmp r0, #0x0
0802C3B8 D00A   beq #0x802c3d0  //isPromoted?
    0802C3BA 7958   ldrb r0, [r3, #0x5] //getSupportClass
    0802C3BC 2800   cmp r0, #0x0
    0802C3BE D007   beq #0x802c3d0 
        0802C3C0 F7ED F840   bl 0x08019444   //GetROMClassStruct RET=class data table:CLASS r0=class_id
        0802C3C4 211A   mov r1, #0x1a
        0802C3C6 5641   ldsb r1, [r0, r1] r0=class   //c = Class->SupportClass->ClassRelationPower
        0802C3C8 0088   lsl r0 ,r1 ,#0x2    //  ((c * 4) + c) * 4
        0802C3CA 1840   add r0 ,r0, r1      //
        0802C3CC 0080   lsl r0 ,r0 ,#0x2    //
        0802C3CE 1824   add r4 ,r4, r0
0802C3D0 1C20   mov r0 ,r4

Class 0x7 Paladin
->Support Class 0x5 Cavalier

Class 0x5 Cavalier
ClassRelationPower = 3

((3 * 4) + 3) * 4 = 60

Therefore, Paladin’s Class_Bonus_B becomes 60.

If you want to change this value, change the ClassRelationPower and the result will change.

Ooph. I thought it might be complicated since there was no ‘60’ value anywhere in the EXP formula hex, but not like that. Thank you for the pointers!

Instead of changing the formula, I implemented a table.

NAME.en=change class power b to table(install)

If the class is UnPromoted, the value of UnPromoted will be used.
If the class is Promoted, the value of Promoted is used.

Promoted is set by 60 to default.
UnPromoted is set to 0 by default.
Adjust this value as you like.


I…wow, thank you so much!

I have been trying to use the HP bars patch, but whenever I try and install the cache version, it reinstalls the older deprecated patch as well. The same thing goes for trying to uninstall either patch, with them both uninstalling. Is there any way to fix this?