Create a new usable item don't work


I try to create a new ‘usable’ items with FE buider GBA, for example a new elixir with only 1 use instead of 3.
So what I do is :

  1. in the item editor menu, copy paste the elixir in 6D to the BC dummie item, and just modify the id in order to have his unique id (I set to BC). Modify also the number of use to 1.
  2. in item ‘use’ effect, if change the asm pointer to the same one that the normal elixir, so it’s 6C Vulnerary ItemUsageP0.

But when i do that, when I try to use my new custom elixir, the elixir is not consumed, so it’s still 1/1 use, and the effect is not done either (but the turn of the unit end)
What I forgot to make this new usable item (it’s just an example, I don’t succeed to create any usable item)

It is very difficult to make new items, I recommend you not do that.

if you switch to buildfile, there’s this great thing called item effect revamp that lets you do fun stuff like that

Thanks for the response. Indeed, item effect revamp seems really interesting. But I don’t know how install all this things.

What’s means “if you switch to buildfile” ?

How can I install or add item effect revamp, or anything like that (there also a patch call Refuge and status weapon I want to test, but it also give some .event file and say that I must #include filename.event and many more step I don’t really understand)

Buildfiles/Event Assembler is a different method of hacking.

Rather than go through FEBuilder’s UI which makes changes to the ROM for you, you have a series of text files describing what to change in the ROM.

It is ultimately more flexible than FEBuilder, though it requires that you learn more things than in FEBuilder (where you can largely jump in and start pressing buttons to simply make changes). I won’t say EA is ‘harder’ to use - I personally find EA much easier than making events through a GUI - but everyone’s different and has different preferences, and a lot of people like having a nice GUI with buttons.


Is it possible to use both ? For example apply this modification with the event assembler and do oher stuff with the GUI ?