[COMPLETE] [FE8U] Fire Emblem: Shackled Power (33 Chapters, Version 1.334. Easy Mode Available)

Hey, I just put out a minor update. It fixes up typos throughout the first half of the game and a few glitches, notably one that rendered a secret weapon unusable. Sorry for the inconvenience.

To answer Tweety’s above question,


Peirhok being defeated in that chapter does not stop him from being recruitable. You’ll see later on how his supports work.


Hello. I’ve put out another patch relating to typo and bug fixing. Sorry for any inconveniences caused by these.

Patch Notes

-Enemy thieves will no longer attempt to steal anything but the Muscle Drink from the player.

-Numerous typos were corrected (Thank many people).

-The Hildesvini description was changed to give an important detail it lacked, making a certain boss fight much harder than it should have been (Thank Alexmanpersonguy).

-Bandit AI in Chapter 14x was adjusted to match the other units of his ilk. (Thank Vermillion).

-Chapter 20’s commanders are now marked by the boss icon to make them easier to pick out at a glance.

-Melanie’s Play command now has a proper description (Thank Dainn).

-Actually fixed the Hermes Pike being unusable.

-Fixed Fulshir’s defeat in Chapter 2 preventing the boss’ death quote from playing.

-Fixed promoted Prosel using the incorrect aid formula (Thank Alexmanpersonguy).

-Fixed Sicilis’ eye gleam animation glitching out her palette in one of the frames (Thank Gold).

-Minor text/graphical adjustments.

I must be outlier then. I absolutely love Living Legend chapter and Scorched Sand from Sacred Stones.

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Ok, i didn’t notice it until looking at supports, but why do Evans and Madari support each other when you can only recruit one of them?

Was that something you changed later, or did you make those as a kind of slot filler?

It could be just as a lore thing.

It’s useless, but it does add a bit to their background

The reason this support chain exists is that it felt wrong to not have a support between two characters who are canonically best friends. It didn’t need to exist and is currently useless, but I didn’t want to leave it missing.

Maybe, in a future update, I’ll add a way to get them both into your party at once.


Well, It’s actually funny considering you’ve already set the map up for that possibility.

With the 10 turn event you could actually just have the recruited one warn the player about their friend, asking to let them escape, which would allow them to send for them later. Later in this context being either at the end of the map or a chapter or two later with a slightly better inventory.

Ultimately it’s your call, I’m just spitballin’ an idea at you.

While it’s on my mind though, let me just say, I’m actually enjoying myself. Small niggles here and there but nothing severe. Oh but I don’t know if was a bug or not but when I promoted Alta she had a “battle” quote pop up, was that normal?

Alta stuck with staves because she gets rather squeamish about the idea of killing people with her own hands. As such, I gave her unique dialogue for when you promote her and have her attack someone directly. it’s a one-time thing beyond set boss convos.


Hey. I’ve put up a new update addressing balance, consistency issues and other small stuff that should make for a smoother experience. Thanks for all the suggestions/reminders and apologies for the inconveniences.

Patch Notes

-Annie’s base skill and luck were very slightly increased.

-Cyrus’ base HP, strength and resistance were increased.

-Boddason’s base defense and resistance were increased.

-Paladin promotion now gives +1 strength.

-Berserkers can now walk through rivers at the same cost as walking through water.

-Remy 1st had his speed reduced, making the fight with him slightly easier.

-Steel swords, lances and bows have had their hit rates slightly increased.

-The thunder tome’s 5 crit bonus was removed.

-Support bonuses have been made stronger. Affinities that did not previously give hit now do so. Affinities that already gave hit now give even more of it.

-Aid is now unified between mounted male and female units. Everyone’s formula is now 25 - Con.

-A patch to extend the length of weapon description boxes was implemented. Many weapons that were previously vague on what their effects were have been given new descriptions to better clarify what they actually do.
-Numerous typos in the latter half of the game were corrected (Thank Dainn).

-Fixed Prosel losing the ability to walk through rivers after promoting (Thank KrashBoomBang).

-Fixed the gold weapons having less potent weapon triangle amplification than intended.

-Fixed reaver weapons not doubling the weapon triangle as in vanilla.

-Minor text/graphical adjustments.


So it turns out the original fix I made for the enemy thieves did not work. Now it should. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Patch Notes

-When Chapter 14 is completed, Peirhok leaves his items in the convoy instead of them disappearing for when he returns.

-The hidden weapon in Endgame 1 is now found via unlocking a chest instead of via a range event to make it work properly. This means Prosel/anyone with a chest key can now find it.

-No weapon descriptions go for 3 lines anymore.

-Actually prevented enemy thieves from being able to steal stuff.

-Minor text/graphical adjustments.

EDIT: Reuploaded to fix incorrect stats for some enemies in Chapter 20.


So I see there is supposed to be a 21x but not seeing the way to get it in the guide. Is it simply automatic?


21x will appear automatically. Similarly to 19x, it is impossible to miss.

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I have played 3 times to perfectly finish Chapter 9 lol. First time I forgot the chest right-down the map. Second time the thief stole something from me, cause I can’t get the Killer Axe.

ok, I’ve gotta ask, do I have to have Rita and Eileen on the first trip to endgame 1 or am I just screwed out of her weapon unless I replay chapter 24 again? I really don’t want to do that, that chapter is irksome.
I’m not exactly fond of chapters just auto-deploying when they have no reason to.

now for some minor* bug reports.

  1. Marilyn can promote to dark acolyte twice, which is actually really funny to me.
  2. the chapter 22 thieves still steal, so uh there’s that.
  3. even using 1.04 there was no chest on endgame 1.

ok this looks so cool I like the thing you did in the trailer where the characters moved this definitely going to be on my list of hacks to play

  1. Sounds it. How can I recreate it?
  2. It’s never that easy. Really sorry for this continuing.
  3. Again sorry for this continuing. This stuff was added at the tail-end of development so they were bound to have problems come up. I’ve got patches ready to make a fool-proof solution to it this time.

Concerning Endgame 1…


You can do the conversation during any visit to the trial hub, not just the first. Simply finish one of the trials with both characters. Provided they reached an A-support before the completion of Chapter 24, you’ll be able to do it. If you aren’t able to, then unfortunately my last-second secrets are glitching out once again and I truly apologize for that.

  1. Honestly? She can still promote with a guiding ring so I used one of them on her. She was level 20 for about 4-5 chapters before I decided to check. I figured she was a lord unit and couldn’t promote for story reasons but she could, so I did.

It was about chapter 14ish when I promoted her, then later her event happened and she promoted again, actually helped her out a bit, but due to how the eventing works for that promotion i don’t think you can actually fix that one.

  1. It wasn’t honestly a problem, one 3 of the people I had on that map could actually be stolen from so I just took their elixers away and the problem was solved. Though the lockpick thieves couldn’t open their respective doors so there was that.

  2. I think its just because the physical chest tiles weren’t there, which due to how the tiles work prevent the chest script from working, like how without the event for it a door can’t be unlocked even if its there. Luckily I still had a 1.03 rom and just did that map in it, went to the first trial, and saved so that was a simple work around.

These things happen, at least I told ya about them, and they weren’t gamebreakers as far as bugs go.


I thought I made sure to remove her ability to promote that way. Whoops.

Thanks though.

Well, when I looked at the event it specifically calls on “use guiding ring” as the action so you can’t actually remove her ability to promote with it, but you could say change it to the master seal and then remove her class from the guiding ring list then run the end event to see if it still takes.

Otherwise, I’d say leave it since it can help shore up her rough speed if the player just happened to do that, I mean, I only found this out because having an unpromoted healer (even with access to light tomes which I found helpful) was becoming risky due to her lower defenses and speed.

Only other complaint i suppose I have is the first Kainis map is a little rough with every single axecav having a K.Broadaxe. they all could do 24-28 depending on stat rolls, with an average hit of about 68, maybe swap out a few with steel axes otherwise the healing pressure gets rough.

But I’m glad I can help.


Hello. Dropping another update for bugfixes and fixes to previous bugfixes. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Patch Notes

-Torches were added to the preparations shop.

-The opening narration was edited to stop skipping lines.

-A mercenary in chapter 3 now drops a vulnerary.

-The eastern village in Chapter 5 now gives you a Restore staff, and Vesper carries the Pure Waters instead. The villager’s dialogue was changed accordingly.

-A fighter in Chapter 8 now drops a torch.

-Some enemies in Chapter 12 had their levels lowered.

-Really fixed the Viceroy being unobtainable this time. It’s back to only the thieves being able to get it (Thank jackofblades1991).

-Actually really fixed thieves being able to steal from the player. The Chapter 22 boss still maintains this ability.

-Fixed being able to double-promote Marilyn via the Guiding Ring. As the fix results in her using a different promotion item during the cutscene she’s supposed to do this in, some dialogue was changed to have them talk about a Master Seal instead (Thank jackofblades1991).

-Minor text/graphical adjustments.