Chess [Thracia fog of war]


No, the other one is at g8

Whites turn.

We had one a a6**

He was moved to c5 and died at the next turn

Serra moves from C1 to G5

Blacks turn

pawn f6 (Post must be at least 5 characters)


Whites Turn

Also, please, vote on the poll at the first post to confirmate you are on the black team

White pawn from D5 to E6

You can’t move twice in a roll

before someone falls for the trap, queen d8 to e7

i just realized, couldnt someone input the current positions and all into a chess simulator or something, and just play the moves that the computer picks?

You really think someone would cheat and lie here, on the internet??

would it matter if people cheated, seems like chaos is the main idea

I mean, its not in the rules, so its technically not cheating

(please dont cheat, grandmaster+++ is already hard enough)

White pawn from D5 to E6

D7 to e6, check

Edit: doh that’s the queen.

D7 to c6, i like living
