A Letter from the FE Fan Game Community

Based Klokinator, although I still stand by my signature, I can see where the letter can be problematic and understand the point of view of not supporting this letter.

This part in bold should be changed, in my opinion. Where is it needed to ask what income did he gain from our works ? Where is it relevant ? We don’t make fan-games for the profit (not that it would be legal anyway) and he shouldn’t be forced to show what he gained the past or donate a part of it.
I still encourage him to donate either to the victims or any association if he want. I’m content with him just leaving the community.

As of the 11/07/2020, I do not support this letter for personal reasons.


I’ll also sign

Just to throw the helpful suggestion into the ring.
How about a charity stream?

No stirring of the pot; just game-play and fun, with the intention to raise money for a good cause.


I feel like at this point things are just starting to devolve into ad hominem.

It’s interesting to read the more lengthy posts on this thread, and some of the more thought-out things people said have got me thinking a bit, but I’m starting to believe this isn’t accomplishing anything as of now.

…Man, I didn’t expect things to turn out like this when I first looked over this thread, but I guess I’m not surprised at the end of the day. Maybe it would be a good idea to step back and have a drink of water.


This will be my only message in this thread.

I’m sorry but what does this have to do with anything? What Mangs did was HORRIBLE, and he should be taken accountable for it, but this “letter” isn’t the way to do it. Are you trying to take the moral high-ground? Why? You already have it by not sexually assaulting anyone. Publicly dissociating the community from him is fine (and probably the best thing to do in my opinion) but asking for a public accounting of his income is unnecessary at best and scummy at worst. It’s a silly idea that will go nowhere and is just here to make you feel better because you’ve “taken action”.

People complained about the mob-mentality of some members of his community, and they were right to do so. Let’s not stoop to the same lows at the first opportunity. He didn’t steal his money and this isn’t related to the issue at hand AT ALL. Everyone is really emotional about it right know (which is understandable) but what you’re doing here isn’t solving ANYTHING, it’s just adding fuel to the fire for no reason. And in the long run, it could have dire and unexpected consequences.

Be better than that. Please.


Stop with the offtopic personal attacks against supporters/opposers of the letter. Take it to DMs if you have personal grievances with each other.


based gamma, ty

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I would like to sign this.

With my lack of time and emotional energy I agree with the vast majority of what you were saying, props for speaking out against this hate mob. I will also state while mangs wasn’t even one of my favorite FEtubers what he got here is far worse then what he deserved. Does he deserve hate for what he did? Yes. Did he deserve this level of hate? HELL NO I would not wish this upon any of my enemies.


I’ve run out of likes, but this is very well written. I trust your judgement, Klok, and know that you mean and stand by what you say.

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This was suggest earlier in the Discord, and it’s an idea I think 10000% should happen, it’s something everyone can get behind and it’s an incredible cause


Thank you for putting my thoughts into words with so much clarity. As meaningless as my “presence” in the FE community might be, I fully stand with Goose, against Mangs and against this ridiculous attempt at virtue-signalling.

I will try to also say something constructive: for those hackers of you out there genuinely worried or ashamed that your hack may have enabled Mangs’ predatory behaviours after he played it on his channel to grow as a content creator, ask yourselves: if a man sexually harasses a woman on a train, is the company he works for an enabler of this behaviour because they gave him to money to buy the train ticket? If your answer is “no”, then I think you can safely conclude neither ouy nor your wonderful hacking work had anything to do with Mangs’ mess.


To be extremely clear: I stand with Goose. What Mangs did was vile, reprehensible, criminal, and the community is significantly better off without his presence.

That being said.

This request/petition smacks of self-aggrandizing and taking the easy way out. If it were the case that this was a sincere effort at trying to have Mangs do something to make up for his atrocious acts, I could maybe support it, even though it would be a token effort (since we all know it’s exceedingly unlikely that Mangs would actually really change as a result of this, given that his misdoings persisted for years), but that is not what I see.

What I see is a petition whose demands everyone is aware is not going to be met. Demands that even if met, would not indicate change on the guilty party. In short, this is not something being done to make things right. It is not even a statement that we did not endorse his actions. It is something to make ourselves feel better; something for us to pat ourselves on the back for. And that is disgusting to me. It is disgusting to me that we would use these serious allegations as a basis to make ourselves feel good for “sticking it to an abuser”. It is farcical. And it does no service to anyone (certainly not the victims) besides ourselves for convincing us that we’ve done right.

The allegations and Mangs’ responses do agree that whatever happened, happened over multiple years, to multiple people. This may have been an isolated wrongdoer, but that it took until now to surface is a condemnation.

We call ourselves a community. We might be a subsection of the greater FE fanbase, but that shouldn’t change anything. What I wanted to see was a commitment to making sure that whatever power this community holds, it would be directed towards creating a culture where something like this wouldn’t happen again. Towards supporting the victims to find restitution and relief.

Instead we have: grandstanding. We have heaping of scorn on someone who should be scorned, which does feel nice, but does nothing to solve anything.

This is disappointing, to say the least. I expected better.

Edit: Apologies, this was not intended to be a direct reply to RandomZombie.


As a lurker who created an account.
It is heartbreaking to see the people of this community bashing eachother because of how they think this should be handled.
I can understand wanting retribution for Mangs’ actions but I can also understand not demanding anything out of him.
I don’t believe that anything will really come out of all of this, unless Mangs himself comes and decides to donate.
We shouldn’t insult everyone that doesn’t agree with our views and we should try to remain respectful.
Please remain civil.


All I wanna know is how likely Mangs is to even see this. Does he even frequent FEU all that much? I understand that he could use the pressure to genuinely change, but to be honest this just feels like yelling into the wind.

Yes. This is a good idea.

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It was posted on twitter. I would guess he’s already seen it.

I am no one, but I think this feels kind of corrupt. I am not defending Mangs. I am not a fan, I have never followed his content, and I have always been disgusted by his mannerisms and his offensive humor, but requesting money from him I think is not the way to go. It all just feels like you all are using this as a stepping-stone for your own purposes. It feels like you’ve been planning this for years and now that his predation, sexism, and racism have come to light, finally you have been able to usurp the head honcho (I’m not saying that’s what it is, but that’s what this feels like. A coup).

If anything, I think this petition should have instead focused on distancing all of us from Mangs. Instead of pretty much forcing him to pay up (or look worse), all content creators should instead do a petition to have anything they created be taken down from his channel, as judging from his statement, it seems his old videos will not be taken down. I’m not too savvy on YouTube processes, but he’ll probably keep profiting off these videos, especially now that he’s a trending topic and will garner much attention from the outside. I feel like the focus of this is not really justice or reparation, but rather just revenge because you all feel cheated or wronged.

I’m not defending Mangs at all. He is vile and should face consequences, but overall, other content creators profited from him as well be it by collaborations or exposure. I never saw his content, but I know he is probably one of if not the biggest FE content creator out there, so it couldn’t hurt to work with him as a fellow creator I suppose. Rather than this seemingly petty request for his money (which he may not have even earned through the content) you all should be wanting to clear your own names and separating from him completely. After all, if all his old videos still have y’all’s names on them, you’re inadvertently still supporting him.


I’ll sign as “Jade”.

His mob of apologists are already here, so I’m guessing it’s spread to that corner of the world.