2022 Retrospectives

2022 was a weird year. I’ve graduated college, landed a safe and steady job, and even released Shackled Power as a complete product. But in all of this, I still don’t feel like I’m proud of what I’ve done. Looking back on my game/art work I struggle to see anything but the bad in them, and it still feels like there’s so much for me to improve upon to get to the point I want to be at.

Going into 2023 I want to improve on all of this. But I really need to work on my perspective above all else. I feel like my general moods and ways of thinking are really holding me back from getting my skills to a decent/necessary level. Even accepting help makes me feel like I didn’t really make the work good on my own merits, and I know it shouldn’t be a bad thing to do so. I just have to get around it somehow.

Cheers to everyone looking to make a change for themselves in 2023. I wish you all luck.


Over the course of 2022:
-Lost 30 pounds
-Gained 20 pounds
-Decided to try to revive an old hack idea
-Got intimidated by how long it took to write definitions and comment said definitions in buildfiles
-Got commissions for the first time
-Am currently stalling out completing a $13.69 commission
-Quit my job at the beginning of the year again, and watched the company start combusting afterwards again

The passage of time has been meaningless to me for the past six years, but I am hoping that this year I can actually make considerable progress in something. That something hopefully will be two things: completing the building of my canary wood desk I drafted plans for and cut pieces of the base for three months ago, and finishing at least two chapters of Star Lode.
Wish me luck… babes…