[Working Title] Blazing Renaissance

Has any progress even been made?

My suggestion is to make the story so each chapter can stand on its own and focus on releasing one chapterā€¦ but to be honest, you (we?) may be better off scrapping everything and starting over with a one-chapter project in mind. You can always add onto it if you want to make more.

I never offered help on this before because this project had so much star power, but I can provide spriting or music (to fill Siuloirā€™s gap) help if anyone does take up this project (which I donā€™t think anyone will, but details) or wishes to continue it in spirit with a reboot that has a more modest goal.

Thereā€™s something kinda important that I have to finish first?

Anyways the basic concept, if Iā€™m recalling correctly, was that there are two siblings embroiled in an inheritance dispute - youā€™d choose either story, 5 chapters each, and itā€™d be two takes on the same conflict that ultimately ends in killing the other Lord.

So basically Radiant Dawn part 3 done right

Well, once you finish EN Arch, Iā€™m still up to help with Nightmare/Balancing and writing if you need it.

EN final release hype

Well, we could see about getting a rough draft of each chapter done, right?