Project Fire Shell Concepts

You have a point

i just realized that this is the topic with the most posts so far. well guess that’s a good thing. also for classes like warrior female and some of the others without animations are animation creation for the classes going to be a thing?

I would definitely try to make that a thing.

okay good.

I love this idea. Having a workable base will increase the over-all quality of ROM hacks released from the point this is released on. Talk about a great investment!

This is what I’ve got after two days of work, lol. If anything, this patch will repoint the tables to free space (expanding them) for you and install a bunch of hacks dealing with weapons. So there’s that.

Look at all of the pretty hax.

I kinda feel like I’m making a shameless plug, even though it’s a crappy hack from long ago…

The More than 4 Sacred Weapons hack?

It’s obvious someone can improve it with minimal effort.
That was like… my first ASM hack >_>;

0x00 = No BGM or Flash
0x01 = BGM and Flash
0x02 or anything else = Flash Only

An array of 255 items 0x01, 0x02, or 0x00 at 0xFFFC90.

…My gosh that’s horrible. I don’t even have the source anymore.

One of icecube’s extensions incorporates the sacred weapon effects. Don’t worry, I didn’t forget! :stuck_out_tongue:

Insomniac’s log: Stayed up til 5AM, slept two hours. Back to working on Fire Shell.

I’m tackling importing tilesets and the C9C9CC table (this is what it’ll ultimately look like).

sweet this looks pretty swanky already

Been working on this pretty much all day, lol.

  • Imported the animations I’ve got so far, expanded that table to the max (FF).
  • Imported all of the ripped tilesets & appropriate palettes.
  • Reconfigured the C9C9CC table and corresponding modules.
  • This will be the native Fire Shell class list.

The Immediate Future To-Do List:

  • Still need a Soldier (F), Halberdier (F), Pirate (F), and the non-Markyjoe Shaman (F).

  • Repoint Item Effect and Item Usability tables and make modules for them.

  • Import all the fuckin’ map sprites and class cards, fully install classes.

out of curiosity whats the acolyte class anyways?

also i think theirs an open source female pirate battle animation so that shouldn’t be a problem.

Gender-neutral rename for the Monk class. Cuz #SocialJustice

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Where the fuck are all those hax?
I want

I’m pretty much just using this site to build the thing.

Hmm… I guess I’d like to maybe suggest inserting some samples from Mother 3. In particular, I refer to samples that FE7 is noticeably missing which I would otherwise consider “standard” samples. Mother 3 has the advantage of the samples being volume-matched to GBAFE samples which makes it an ideal candidate for thievery, and the samples are pretty great.

Some examples might be:

  • overdriven guitar
  • orchestra hit
  • saxophone
  • acoustic guitar (steel)
  • better piano samples
  • accordion (a nice accordion)

and so on. The only problem is that these would altogether take up quite a bit of space which could otherwise be used for other things. What do you guys think? Would it be worth putting these in?

Okay, so if we have a UPS that only handles these imports, we could include it in the base patch and offer the patch in the archive as an uninstall option. I think it’d be worthwhile to include these missing "standard’ samples with the fixed up native instrument table.

Also, finally got this working:

Debating whether or not to include a default branched promotion class tree or not (I’ll be compiling uninstall instructions for pretty much everything, so it’s just a question of defaults).

If not, I’ve just installed the Fell Contract as a sort of “alternate promotion” item for Myrmidons and Thieves to go Assassin.

hmm could be worthwhile i guess. this branch system can be edited right?

Of course, it’s a simple Nightmare module setup even. Lots of new modules coming with the added functionalities as part of the package.


I’d say that the default branching promotion system should be there as the default option.

I really hope this project will get some wind, and perhaps make FE hacking more approachable in general.

Any space you manage to clear before 0x400000 should be reserved for asm hax. Like the weapon icons after they get repointed.