Need Help with Installing ASM with EA

Hi, I normally don’t like asking questions, but this has been annoying me to no end. I have almost no experience with ASM hacking. The most I’ve done is used other people’s patches. However, there is one hack that I found that I really wanted to use, but it has been frustrating me all day now. It’s the hack that adds HP bars to the map sprites. It took me a while to figure it out how to install it without errors, but eventually I figured out what I needed to do. However, it still doesn’t work. It leaves my roms stuck on a white screen.

Here is the EA document:

 #include "ASM/Hack Installation.txt"

 PUSH //HP Bars
    ORG $276b4
    ORG $15690 //Increase width of loaded image
    SHORT $2220
    ORG $156ac //Repoint loaded image
    POIN HPBarGraphic
    ORG $35718 //Force Subtitle Help option
    SHORT 0
    ALIGN 4
    #incbin "bin/HPFrames.bin"
    #include "ASM/HPFramePointers.txt"
    #incbin "ASM/Talk_Warning_Bars.dmp"
    POIN HPFramePointers
    #incext Png2Dmp "bin/Warning_and_HPGraphic.png" --lz77

I also made a “bin” and “ASM” folder where I put the files that were mentioned the document along with the Hack Installation.txt because one of the problems I had was that EA wouldn’t recognize the jumpToHack code. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

What version of EA do you have? The latest version is 10.1; 10.x at least is needed for ASM hack installation.

Yeah, I have V10.1.

Are you just patching that file only or is it part of a buildfile? Try adding ORG $B2A610 to the very beginning if it’s just the one file

It’s only that one file. I replaced ORG $276b4 with ORG $B2A610 like you said and the same thing happened. It just went to a white screen.

nonononono don’t replace anything

add that line to the top

So, something weird happened. I put the ORG $B2A610 at the top of the file, and the rom didn’t white screen. But, instead, the hack wasn’t installed and I couldn’t move the map cursor up or down. Only left and right. Here’s the new file in case I messed something else up.

ORG $B2A610
#include "ASM/Hack Installation.txt"

PUSH //HP Bars
ORG $276b4
ORG $15690 //Increase width of loaded image
SHORT $2220
ORG $156ac //Repoint loaded image
POIN HPBarGraphic
ORG $35718 //Force Subtitle Help option
#incbin "bin/HPFrames.bin"
#include "ASM/HPFramePointers.txt"
#incbin "ASM/Talk_Warning_Bars.dmp"
POIN HPFramePointers
#incext Png2Dmp "bin/Warning_and_HPGraphic.png" --lz77

Is this a clean rom? nothing stands out as particularly wrong

I tried both my rom and a clean FE7 rom, and both have the same problem.

well, there’s your problem it’s for fe8

Really? I had a suspicion, but it didn’t work for FE8 either. As soon as the first chapter went from cut scene to gameplay, the game restarted. Well, I guess I’ll leave it alone for now and pray for an FE7 version.