FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread

It’s nice to see better soldier animations but the perspective on that crit spin makes no sense at all.


The spear’s behind him, but he’s… standing on the smear??


Well, I would fix that, but making the blur sit on top of the soldier wouldn’t look much better. In fact, I’d say it would look worse. It would look like the tip of the spear is in front of him while the rest is behind, which makes even less sense to me. I will consider this for potential revisions and edits I may make later down the line, though.

I also forgot to give proper credit to Leo_link and Nuramon. The former animated the critical for me, and the latter helped me with the original still.

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Obviously just putting the spear on top would look bad because the hand holding it is reaching towards the background. Ephraim gets away with that because he’s actually holding it in front of him, but in this case you’d just be trading one broken perspective for another.

If you want the spin to happen behind the character and make sense, you need to raise the hand so the spear clears the ground.

e: Ephraim’s smear does also clip the ground when it goes behind him, but in his case it’s edited so it’s not so obvious.


The red part would be visible beneath the sprite but it’s been removed in the actual animation. Even in this case though, it doesn’t go nearly as far below the character.


That looks really cool! But it looks like the large bridge tiles have animations, which doesn’t quite make sense.


The brown bridges? Those don’t have animations. Only water tiles have any animations on them.


Such a beautiful colour palatte.
It’s all so crisp, clean and yet detailed.
Those FE5 style walls look fantastic!

What I mean to say is that I’m noticing the bridge pixels shifting around in-sync with the water tile animations.
But if that’s just something weird with the GIF and doesn’t show up in-game, then no big deal.

I looked carefully and didn’t notice anything. Which bridge, and what side, exactly?

Can we contribute things other than animations (such as maps, map sprites, etc.)? If yes, do we post them here, or somewhere else?

You can submit all kinds of resources to the repo.

That’s actually why this is called the Graphics Repo, and not the animation repo; because I wanted to unify all of the graphic submissions at once. When people post their map sprites, class, cards, and so on in other topics, I get them added to this main repo as well asap.


Thanks. I’ve been working on a couple of maps out of boredom, so guess I will be contributing to the repo soon.

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Yeah I should have just zoomed in on the gif, my bad

been screwing around with this tileset, i do enjoy it
however, i find that visibility is really an issue, particularly when it comes to mountains (also two tiered cliffs over water don’t seem to have many options)
were there tiles removed from gba’s mountains?

What mountain tiles do you like to use in particular? I don’t think I remember removing any notable mountain tiles. And what do you mean by “visibility”? Is it difficult to see some textures or tiles? Some more specificity would be nice.
Two-tiered cliffs weren’t meant to have that many connections to water, that’s why there aren’t many options for those. I suppose the normal cliffs were meant to assist in that regard.

i’m trying to just do anything with the mountains really, but some of the transitions from mountain to ground seem wonky
and by visibility i can’t see what tile is half mountain half ground and what is all mountain and what is all ground, the colors are too similar I think, perhaps should be using a different palette set (but that may be limited)

and what i meant by the water cliffs was you can’t really attach anything to them
i couldn’t find any tile to fit over these so i ended up just cutting the map off there

Then that’s likely the fault of the palette. The ground colors are very close to those of the mountains. You can try changing up the colors so that it’s a bit clearer.

The large water cliffs connect to the regular double-height cliffs. What are you trying to do with them? If you’re trying to have water on top of the cliffs instead of ground, then that is impossible no matter what tileset you’re using.

no they don’t, i tried that
nothing connects with the water cliffs as far as I can see

The left and right tiles work. I say to make a custom tile for the middle (using pieces that connect properly) that connects to the water cliffs more handily. It only barely has that little ground bit that doesn’t connect.

Dude looks like he’s conducting an orchestra!

P.S. You forgot the download link, my dude.

OK, I will upload it. I didn’t do so because I couldn’t find where the link to my google drive was.:joy:
This is my first time uploading items on the foreign website. :joy: :joy: