Discussion on the Japanese Mindset for Hacking

Rumor has it that solving Fermat’s Last Theorem is the key to implementing the coveted str/mag split in the GBA engine.


fuck the split

“I have discovered a marvelous proof that the str/mag split is easily implementable with little to no effort, but writing it down would take more memory than is available to this forum post. Alas.”


didn’t nintenlord make one? I’m sure you can fix the bugs easily

Yeah, it is not a difficult work, only to regard res as mag. I am sure you can realize it easily.

-when a nigga misses the joke

A res=mag hack has already been done, people want a brand new stat, in other words, splitting str and mag. Pi’s FE4 GBA remake has this, so hopefully, he’ll release it eventually.

Oh, I haven’t played it before. I only know there is a res=mag hack in Green Patch.
I remember res=mag is the rule of FE5 :grin:

He hasn’t released much on it yet… Just a joke demo patch so far.

http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=39130&p=3505696 here’s the topic.

wow~ A GBA hack? Why I found hp caps with map sprites like awakening? :open_mouth:

The reference, which apparently nobody got :frowning:

Oh,I have got it now, sorry for my poor English.

They’re still buggy, as the palette bugs out after… tile changes, I think. But yeah, Awakening stype map HP bars were implemented. Along with another page on the stat screen with holy blood and skills. (That still needs some graphical polish, I imagine)

(Showcase vid, I meant to post this earlier) (<–that’s a link, if you can’t tell. I can’t tell… lol)

I’ll stop posting about FEIV now. :u

I got it cam. I lol’d irl when I read it.

But I’m also the biggest Math nerd here, so.

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I think I actually got it originally, but I didn’t think of that particular xkcd since I either never read it or 't remember it. Fermat originally wrote regarding his “Last Theorem” (well, it was the last one that went unsolved anyway, not the last one he ever thought of) - “I have discovered a truly marvelous proof from this, which this margin is too narrow to contain.” (translated from Latin, so different online sources give slightly different versions)

Also Fermat was almost certainly lying or mistaken. The actual proof discovered centuries later used mathematics only developed in the twentieth century, so unless Fermat was a time traveler… but maybe I shouldn’t be explaining the joke to this extent.

As for how no one seemed to notice: Not everyone wants to comment on every joke even if they understand. Have you seen how low the proportion of Tumblr posts is that add new content to what’s being quoted? It’s like that.

I’m glad Cam’s wit was appreciated.
Otherwise, that post might have became Camtech’s Last Joke.