Boss style death animation?

Is there a way to add a dedicated death animation for a boss? Similar to The Fire Dragon, Demon King, Idunn, and Duma in Sacred Echoes? I know the vanilla ones are sorta hardcoded, but I don’t know how they did it for Duma.

In FEBuilder patches, there’s a patch called “Death Motion” by 7743. But it only allows you to have the white flshes that usually come BEFORE the death animation of final bosses in vanilla.

Is there a way to make this using elaborate events? Or perhaps someone has made ASM for it?

I don’t think thus is easy to do. If copying demon king stuff doesn’t work the way you want it to, then you’re probably out of luck.

You can use the Draw patch in death quotes.

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Ok. This can sorta work… Could you elaborate on how would I go doing this? Is this the same Draw Patch for map animations?

My draw patch is meant to be used during events and to draw arbitrary images of up to 16 colours and 64x64 in size. I think it uses coords on the map so this might not work so well during a death quote on a map that isn’t min sized. You could modify it slightly to use coords on the screen instead I guess.

It’s meant to be used for a cutscene. So I think your patch can work as is. I can control what part of the map is shown