fuck it the longer i sit on this the more annoyed i’m going to get
A fix to one of my oldest animations, one that I fucking despised. Klok was an ass about removing this one from the repo, and in a fit of depression I had to fix it to never have to think about it again. There is a Sword (non-projectile) and Projectile variant for this animation.
Also, a Maid edit of Nuramon’s Villager. Not proud of this one at all.
Two map sprites, one for MK404’s Tellius Fighter, and one for the Maid animation above, based on the generic teen female villager map sprite.
Two very basic class cards, first based off the Mage Lord animation in the repo, and the second being a simple edit of a hat for the Inquisitor animation.
Speaking of class cards, I spent around four to five hours a while ago fixing every class card that wasn’t a meme in the repo to make them below or at 16 colors. This is a fix of 60 class cards, so hopefully there won’t be issues with them now. I don’t want credit for this, since its something the repo runners should have done, but chose not to.
I also spent over a week ago a few hours across several days creating new palettes for some of the most popular tilesets as well as the Frontier and Frontier Village, namely Sunset and Night versions of the base Village and the Venno-Zora Village, a Night palette for both Frontiers, a Sunset and Night version of N426’s castle, and more. The repo’s lack of palette collections that actually are useful made me too annoyed to leave as is. This should solve a variety of basic tleset issues, and people can further repalette to fit their individual maps.
A FE8-style worldmap. Not F2U or F2E. Made to test the limits of my patience.
Everything F2U/F2E has been added to my personal repo, as per usual.