Worst luck with units?

Why yes, he is indeed legendary.



Once wanted to use him instead of Liquid and RNG said: don’t bother.
Join in LV11 only grew 2 str ,which supposed to have 50% growth.

I’ve had multiple blank level ups with Ross HOW HE HAS 70% IN HP AND 50% IN STRENGTH THIS SHOULD BE STATISTICALLY IMPOSSIBLE!

My Jill in my first Radiant Dawn run.
I almost thought she was watered down so bad because Edward and Nolan were literally better than her despite the same amount of investment.

These two got really screwed in my latest run, wade’s first level was near perfect, after that it went downhill (he didn’t get any good stats his next 2 levels either)

Lot wasn’t much better and later died in the arena

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The first time that I played Binding Blade, Shanna never gained strength. I know her growth isn’t great, but she was level 19 with 4 strength.

2.46% chance of getting an empty level with Ross, to be exact.
(That’s some terrible luck :sweat_smile: )

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i really do have nothing to say.



that luck tho :eyes:

And here I thought unpromoted units can be stronger than the promoted one.

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The first time I played Binding Blade my Roy had like 9 strength and speed and like, 20 luck at level 20. It was hell to keep him alive in Chapter 21.


I once trained Neimi up to a level 20/20 sniper, and she didn’t get a single point of strength outside stat boosts.

at least he’s lucky?

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Kinda old but my LoA run
fe8 legend of avenir-5

Not even a squishiest cleric have that def and res 🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦

Unlike me, he was lucky