What were your biggest newbie mistake when hacking?

So awhile back I started hacking and made a mistake that forced me to reset everything so I started to wonder what were your newbie mistakes.

I’m going to go first. I misunderstood how classes worked and for some reason thought that to change a character’s class you needed to edit the entire class they were linked to. So that’s how I wasted a few hours of work changing the paladin class into an archer. Thank god I realised that something wasen’t right before I changed every single class into something else.


I don’t understand how it takes people years to complete their romhacks. I bet I could make a 30 chapter hack with my own characters, maps, events, and dialogue in about a month.

-Vesly, upon downloading febuilder.


How long did it take?

Well, I’ve been here 19 months and have nothing marked as [Complete]… :sweat_smile:


My biggest mistake was starting waaaay too early, I wasn’t at all proficient in hacking when I first started my current project so when it was near completion… it was complete dogshit, I’m fixing it now soooo

also, this is more fit to be a community post, questions are for things with one specific answer, community posts are open ended like this.

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thanks for the clarification

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Biting off more than I could chew xD

Right now plan is to finish what I started, and then hopefully learn how to make better portraits/maps through endless practice.


My first hack (not J&P) never had a credits list made because im dumb.

Also, too many ambitions killed the hack. I should never have tried to tamper with the world map lol


Not bothering to learn how even conditions/just events in general worked.

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I finally admit it. I’ve fallen for the biggest rookie mistake of being over ambicious and announce things to early.

I mean seriously, what was I thinking announcing the hack after like 3 days of barely thinking about it?

Three lords at once? An expensive story with several factions races and history the scale of some rpgs?

Comics to explain the lore beyond the game? Bitch you didn’t even understand basic anatomy past me!

Sigh I really need to stop being to excited to present things…


Me “announcing” the dragons gate expansion without even having a usable PC:


Never heard of it. What ended up happening? Did things work out?

Not really a newbie mistake but it’s all I remember right now. The fact that I just can’t stop starting new projects. Brain pls get distracted less by new shiny things.

It’s been like a decade since being a newbie so I can’t really use any of those old mistakes but I’ve like never especially got better so let’s just pretend every mistake is a newbie one.


Oh god you have no idea how much I can relate to you right now. It’s so annoying not being able to progress on the original idea because you got a new one.

Compared to other people here announcing things too early, I made what I consider to be a significant mistake in waiting too long to make my work-in-progress hack public. I didn’t release it to anyone but a couple friends until I already had 20+ chapters, was too nervous about making anything publicly available. Getting feedback is important, if not in a full release then at least in the playtesting channel of the FEU Discord, and the longer you wait the more you may end up having to change and the harder it is to ask for specific help.


Ooh, someone necro’d this thread.

I don’t know about mistake… but my biggest error was probably spending too much time reading on this site trying to learn everything instead of just making something in FEbuilder and then learning from it. FEbuilder wasn’t as advanced when I started so eventing was more daunting for a newcomer, but it still probably would’ve been better if I’d skimmed Arch’s event tutorial and then messed with FEB as opposed to painstakingly reading through everything in multiple tutorials/threads.

Even without that though, I remember it seemed like every edit I made broke something and I couldn’t get quick answers to help me. I’m not exactly the quickest learner, but the community definitely seems more streamlined about newbie help now than it was 4 years ago.


It’s hard to imagine FEBuilder being more daunting than it is now.

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I knew going into it that it would have been sensible to play around with making a very short, 2-3 chapter hack before launching straight into The Project. But I also know that that… isn’t how my brain works. I can’t get excited about something if it isn’t The Project. Still, it would have been nice to learn a few things and establish a few more fundamentals; basically changing things as I went through has meant a lot of backtracking and double-checking.

Also, leaving up vanilla events as ‘scaffolding’. In practice, this lead to a lot of weird stuff and bizarre dependencies. Can’t even count how many times I’ve had a weird error show up and the cause has been that there’s some range condition dummy-event that does nothing but turn on a flag I’m counting on later. I don’t actually know how the Prologue works anymore, and the last time I tried pruning an innocuous minor event, it softlocked the game.


My biggest mistake was starting my hack, which I am working on as I type this post and have been doing so since 2012.


My biggest newbie mistake when hacking was thinking that dropping 4-5 hours on a weekend on a hack would not burn me out within a year

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