What if new magic system?

So might as well shoot my question here bc i run the risk of forgetting the concept, so one thing i was thinking of doing for my hack was making magic have something similar to how echoes does it, but also how its done in 3 houses or basically what if fe had basic mana system, instead of spells draining hp, they drained a mp stat, same idea with combat art or procc skills, mages would learn their spells by leveling up their magic rank or by also having in their inventory a item that lets them used a spell, its would still have same limited usage as normal, but not in a killing yourself like in echoes or use fire 3 times and be useless for the whole map like 3h, so a mage could equip a spells in player phase and use it normally, while not being confine the first one, but if its a high cost spell, say fire is 1 mp but elfire is 3 mp and your mage has 6 mp, you could have them either equip fire to attack more in enemy phase or elfire to attack less, but deal more damage, so there would be a extra layer of strategy with mages, as you would also be strategic with their positions as to not drain all their mp at once, also instead of buying them tomes, instead mages woulf just need mp consumables, so not to make money just go their physical people, but also not be wasting money on multiple tomes, so the player wouldn’t be hoarding too much cash or be too low on it, something like tellius where every magic has different types but mages specialized in different types, so you have to basically buy 3 sets of different tomes for your different mages( that is if you are a weirdo like me that likes having a mage for every type in your army), also if you are finally reading this down here, i forgot about my question, could it be posible to make a system like this using the sacred echoes magic system? I would love it if my hack had a little bit a uniqueness instead of me toiling away in febuilder locking the fire wind and thunder to 40 specific classes while wondering why i like fire emblem teehee

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LT has a MANA system


Honestly don’t really find lt appealing, so i wanted to stay on gba terms

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In that case you’re probably going to require buildfiles to a large degree if going for LT’s already implemented Mana system isn’t of your liking, so playing around with durability jank to a degree if that can be edited further (like making higher spells cost more durability of a general item?) may be a possible choice that comes with its own drawbacks.

Otherwise you’ll be better off contacting specialized members that actually do dabble on buildfiles instead of

Monster addcit


Hmm, well then, would you know any build file specialist that also do commisions for the such, another thing i wanted was custom skills, so its seems like a 2 bird 1 stone approach