Trouble Setting up Text Engine Rework Definitions

Hi, I’ve been ROMhacking for quite some time now, but after a long break, I’ve decided to try out using buildfiles. Things always got too messy using FEBuilder/juggling nightmare and FEditor. However, I’m having trouble with this one specific thing.

I want to use the Text Engine Rework by Tequila–I’ve been dying to try it out ever since it was teased years ago–but I can’t figure out how to use ParseDefinitions.txt. See, I can get the hack into my buildfile no problem and I can insert normal text just fine.The problem is the getting the new definitions that take advantage of the hack to work. Whenever I try to MAKE HACK.cmd, it throws an error on the first definition that isn’t standard (e.g. [OpenMidLeft], [A], etc.) I have a ParseDefinitions.txt file in my tools folder that includes all the new definitions, but the build process seems to ignore it entirely. Here is my ParseDefinitions file just in case I messed it up.

[N] = [NL]
[ANL] = [A][NL]
[AN] = [ANL]
[YN] = [Yes]
[NY] = [No]
[ToggleInvert] = [ToggleColorInvert]
[Blink] = [CloseEyes][.][OpenEyes]
[AA] = [.....][A]
[5.] = [.....]
[4.] = [....]
[pause] = [4.]
[6.] = [......]
[Silent...] = [ToggleMouthMove]...[ToggleMouthMove]
[CE] = [CloseEyes]
[OE] = [OpenEyes]
[[] = [0x5B]

[CurrentPortrait] = [0xFF][0xFF]
[OML] = [OpenMidLeft]
[L] = [OpenLeft]
[FL] = [OpenFarLeft]
[FFL] = [OpenFarFarLeft]
[OMR] = [OpenMidRight]
[R] = [OpenRight]
[FR] = [OpenFarRight]
[FFR] = [OpenFarFarRight]
[MML] = [MoveMidLeft]
[MMR] = [MoveMidRight]
[ML] = [MoveLeft]
[MR] = [MoveRight]
[MFL] = [MoveFarLeft]
[MFR] = [MoveFarRight]
[MFFR] = [MoveFarFarRight]
[MFFL] = [MoveFarFarLeft]
[CF] = [ClearFace]
[LOF] = [LoadOverworldFaces]
[TS] = [ToggleSmile]
[CE] = [CloseEyes]
[OE] = [OpenEyes]
[LF] = [LoadFace]
[TMM] = [ToggleMouthMove]

If anyone can help me make use of the text engine rewrite, I’d be really thankful. I’m super new to buildfiles, so I’m sure I just made a dumb mistake haha.

Are you using MAKE HACK_full or MAKE HACK_quick?

Did you try running “Text/AssembleText.cmd” before MAKE_HACK?

I’m a little confused. Are you assuming I’m using the skills system, because I’m not at the moment. I’m just trying to test the text engine rewrite, so I have the bare minimum. I don’t have an AssembleText.cmd or a Make Hack_full/quick.
Here’s my buildfile.

#include eastdlib.event
#define FreeSpace 0x1000000
ORG FreeSpace
#include "Event Assembler/Tools/ParseDefinitions.txt"
#include "Event Assembler/_FE8EssentialFixes.txt"
#include "Event Assembler/TERW/_FE8-Text_Engine_Rework_EA.event"
#include "Text/Install Text Data.event"

Oh, and to clarify, I insert text via TextProcessor V2.

Yes, I assumed you were using the Skill System buildfile, which automatically compiles the text files.
With the TextProcessor you have to compile the text files before running the MAKE HACK

Yes, and that’s what I do. The issue is that I can’t figure out how to get the make_hack to understand the new scripting definitions introduced by the text engine rewrite. It spits out an error as soon as it reaches the first [oml] instead of [OpenMidLeft].

Right now, what I do is write up my text.txt file. Then, I drag it into textProcess_V2 and it spits out the event and text entry files. I have a ParseDefinitions file, but I don’t know what to do with it to fix the issue.

I’d rather not mess around with the skills system at this stage of my messing around, but if it’s the only way to get these changes up and running, then I guess I’ll try it.

You don’t need to integrate the whole skill system, just copy the Text folder.

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I think I figured out the root of the issue. The definitions used in the example script don’t match the modified parsedefinitions included in the readme of the hack… Jeez…
I’m just glad I have it all figured out now.
Thanks for your help!

By the way, the other day, the routine for FEBuilderGBA’s TextEngine Rework was completed.

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Oh, really? That’s awesome. I love FEBuilder, but without version control, everything gets way too messy for me too quickly.

Version control is the equivalent of automatic backups.
In FEBuilderGBA, doing a MENU->File->Save is almost the same as doing a git commit/git push.
To see the diff, use MENU->Tools->Diff debug tool.

However, if you have created a nice environment with buildfile, I will be rooting for you.
Please do your best to create a nice work and publish it.

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