TiannaBot - A discord bot for KagaSaga data

I guess I should also put this here for the 5 people that care.

As you may know, a while ago izumi dropped the KagaSaga data from Oifey because it’s become quite difficult to handle that many games at once while trying to have some consistency with the features the bot offers. Its sad but also understandable.

So I went ahead and also made a discord bot that handles all your KagaSaga needs (though currently TRS is a bit neglected and the primary focus is on Berwick).

Here are some links to the project:
GitHub | Discord | Bot Invite Link

Apart from the units, most of the data comes from SerenesForest Wiki. Since Aggro Incarnate has an account for that EmblemWiki page and hes willing to actually fix some issues, the pages aren’t 10 years out of date, but some mistakes might have slipped through. So if you find an error just let me know and I’ll fix it when I have time.