Fire Emblem Resource Repository (Battle Animations, Portraits, Music, etc)

Inspired by Feaw’s red sunset tileset, I’ve created a (mostly) complete graphics set to go with it - all ready to be inserted into a GBA FE mod. I’ve also tweaked and updated the palette to more closely match the colour scheme of FE8. All of this work is free to use and free to edit - though credit is nice.
Below I’ll post the individual elements in the set and beneath that will be a dropbox link containing the whole set.
Some elements may get updated as time goes on, as I’d like to make the skies more consistent. It’s quite tricky working with only 16 colours as I’m sure you all know.
There aren’t many battle platforms as the preexisting evening ones already work well with many of the backgrounds. However, I’ll try to add a few more platforms to match the various shop-styles over the coming days.

Chapter 4 - Screenshot 01Chapter 4 - Screenshot Test

Battle Backgrounds

Battle Background - Plains:
BB - Fields 05 - Evening - Reduced
Battle Background - Plains 2:
BB - Fields 04 - Evening - Reduced
Battle Background - Bridge:
BB - Bridge 04 - Evening - Reduced
Battle Background - Forest:
BB - Forest 04 - Evening - Reduced
Battle Background - Gate:
BB - Gate 01 - Evening - Reduced
Battle Background - Mountain/Peak:
BB - Peak 01 - Evening - Reduced
Battle Background - River/Water:
BB - River 04 - Evening - Reduced
Battle Background - Village 01:
BB - Village 05 - Evening - Reduced
Battle Background - Village 02:
BB - Village 04 - Evening - Reduced
Battle Background - Ruins:
BB - Ruins 04 - Evening - Reduced

Battle Platforms

Battle Platform - Default:
BP - Plains 04 - Evening
Battle Platform - Wooded:
BP - Forest 04 - Evening
Battle Platform - Floor:
BP - Gate 01 - Evening

Conversation Backgrounds

Convo. Background - Castle:
CB - Castle Interior 5 Late Evening
Convo. Background - Plains:
CB - Forest Outskirts 2 Evening
Convo. Background - House:
CB - House 01 - Evening - Reduced
Convo. Background - Village 01:
CB - Village 6 Evening
Convo. Background - Village 02:
CB - Village 01 - Evening - Reduced


Tileset - Default:

Tileset - Foggy:

Tileset - FEBuilder:
TS - Plains 01 - Evening - FEBuilder

Dropbox link:
Red Sunset Graphics Set


Axe animation for the Halberdier: Download
Axe Haxe
Now your halberdier can actually use a freaking halberd! Its just a name but it has bothered me forever…

Credit TBA for the original halberdier animation


Semitt Falls from Final Fantasy II - GBA
Somewhat ported to be FE-GBA compatible.

Fire Emblem - the Sacred Stones.emulator
This is the first of many experiments with custom tilesets. And damn… making a custom tile-config is a major time consumer. Don’t ask how many hours this took to get working.

Whilst the tileset isn’t the most user-friendly and the possibilities quite limited, it’s a great base for anyone who’d like to build upon it. There’s plenty of space in the object image.
Currently, the water isn’t animated, there’s no fog palette and the wall lanterns haven’t been added due to palette limitations.
The floors are also quite hard to work with. However, in the official Semitt Falls map from FF2, they look equally clumsy.

This tile-set is completely free-to-use and free-to-edit. Just be sure to give credit. I look forward to potentially playing maps set in abandoned mines.

I’ll try and make a better reference map. But, for now, here’s a quick little scene I knocked up.

FF2 - Cave Test 1
I may return to this set and try and improve on a few elements. But for now, I’d like to try and optimise my process of adding custom tile-sets.



Hello guy, I just added the Sword for Sacred Memories Eirka, or Mage Knight Eirika, thanks to Aruka, Kenpuhu, Seal for the sword animation, I just adapted it for Erika

Here is the video


Well, I decided to take a stab at smoothening and redesigning the brigand animation, since there doesn’t seem to be a true improved brigand animation out there. I think it turned out really well.

Package includes all necessary sprites.
Credit to Skitty and eCut for the female brigand and TBA for the armored brigand, both of which were referenced as part of the design, and Alusq for the 16x16 brigand map sprite.

Here are some palettes for use with Zoramine’s Improved FE8 Village tileset.
Download in binary format ready for insertion with buildfiles. One is a cloudy, muddy sort of palette that works well with rain; the other is similar to the vanilla palette with darker colours; the third uses grays for the wood and street colours. Perhaps the grass on this one is too vibrant, however.



Also, for those who don;t check the Vision Quest thread here are some affinity icons I have made: in order they are Earth, Heaven, Water, the ridiculous Blade affinity and Moon affinity. Use them as you like, but please give credit if you do.
Earth Heaven Water BestBlade Moon - Copy


Made some affinity icons for my Sengoku hack, they’re F2U+E with credit.



A new custom tileset based on FF5’s Pirate Hideout. This tileset is both free to use and free to edit.

Everything you need should be included. If anything is missing or broken please let me know. As a little bonus, I’ve thrown in a quick battle-background to match the setting. The tileset should be quite easy to use, as everything is modular. A “cliff” and “wall” variant of the cave walls exists so you can logically create height variations and better routes for your fliers. The tile animations are based on the “fields” animations - 16 frames from the same location on the object-set.

Beneath is a really lazy example map so you can see the tileset in action.

Screenshot - Release 03
Screenshot - Release 01
Screenshot - Release 02



Hey all, Pikmin1211 and I made some smaller standing map sprites for monsters to help reduce the OAM they take up. IS was a bit inefficient with the originals, and often expanded the sizes to only fit a single pixel or two.

Here they all are, free to use. Pik made most of them, I think I only made Mauthe Doog and Gwyllgi, so feel free to just credit him for these. Not a big deal to give a doggo a trim.

bael1616 deathgoyle1632 doog1616 elderbael1616 ent1616 garg1632 gwyllgi1632 maelduin1632 rev1616 skelebow1616

Hope these maybe help some of y’all out there with standing map sprite OAM issues!


Bit overdue on releasing these but here have some assets

Bow Knight:

BowKnightCC BowKnight BowKnightMoving

Class card by DerTheVaporeon, map sprites by me and DerTheVaporeon

Great Knight:

GreatKnight GreatKnightMoving

By me, L95 and DerTheVaporeon

Gold Knight:

GoldKnight GoldKnightMoving

By me and DerTheVaporeon


I made a female helmetless edit for Nuramon’s Harbinger!
->Magic. Spectrem
->Lances. Spectrel
They were originally for personal use though, so I don’t know how well it works with palette swaps :v
Original animation made by Nuramon.[T2][LRD][Great_Lord]_Spectre_(Helmless_Harbinger_+_Lance][F]{Nuramon%2C_Mycahel}.rar/file Download link.


A couple more free to use assets I’ve forgotten to post:

A map sprite for a tier 1 Staff Peg. This is a fusion of Sephie’s sword peg and vanilla cleric. I have an animation for this class, but it’s a crude edit of staff Falcoknight, and I don’t believe it’s currently of acceptable quality to submit to the repo.

staffpegfinalmoving staffpegfinalstanding

I also present a Baron map sprite, an edit that derives from a combination of several of Nuramon’s Marshall sprites. This was made specifically for Titus of Pandan’s VisionQuest, as no magical promoted armor map sprite seemed to exist other than the FE5 Baron, which looks out of place in GBA.

marshalltemplatemove marshalltemplatestand

Hope these are of use to someone! I hope to eventually getting around to polishing the Staff Peg anim and submitting it.


Wow, two edits of my works in a row. I’m honored. Great stuff y’all :ok_hand:

I also didn’t come here empty handed xD

I spent the last few day working on something, that was among the most requested animations for a loooooong time.

Not so long ago I stumbled upon the works of MarioKirby and got permission to work with his stills.
And the first I animated is…

The female pirate!

_Ani_Axe _Ani_Handaxe

Credit: Nuramon, MarioKirby, Wan

Get it here!

MarioKirby did the still; I animated it and Wan provided edits of her pirate animation as well.

Have fun with it! :wink: And happy easter to y’all!


Perhaps the ones I downloaded were outdated, but the Wind, Tornado, Shaver, and DS Aura animations were not working properly when they miss. The following .zip file contains versions that work fine when the spells miss from what I can tell.

If there are any issues with these fixed spells, please let me know.


Hey, mamma - look at me.
I’m on the way to the promised land!
Pandemonium Test Screen 04
Pandemonium Test Screen 05
Pandemonium Test Screen 06

I’m back with another tileset pack. This time I’ve got the Emperor of Hell’s Castle Pandemonium from FF2. I’ve squeezed both the main castle and the final throne room into one tileset for now. In the package you should have everything you need: the tileset, config, palette, object set, animation data, example maps, battle backgrounds and an edited battle platform.

And for those of you who just want to make maps for fun, the tile can be found below:


The FF5 Cave Tileset has also received a small update to the config - hopefully fixing some of the bugs.


Its been a while since I’ve posted anything on this topic. Welp im back and here to post a mostly new animation! Im sure everyone who have been a part of the fe community for a while remember the Halberdier 1.0 animation that was used in an ‘early’ version of TLP. I decided to fix the animation up and give it the necessary assets to become a true class!

lancer 5

Edit: Comparison gifs

T1LNCLancer (M) Lance Standing
T1LNCLancer (M) Lance Moving

Map Sprite Credits: Alusq for base

Also have an attempted Class Card!
LNC Lancer (M) {Jj09}

The download above comes with all assets as you see here. Btw this animation was made with tier 1 in mind so it isn’t fitting for a promoted class.


In this .zip archive lies the 16x16 meta tilesets for every map in FF1: Dawn of Souls. Most maps use two different tilesets depending on whether you’re in a room or not; both versions are included. Perhaps this will be of use to certain of of those among us?


Drawbridge Tileset


Ever wanted to have more buildings to play with?
I’ve put together a small pack of new buildings based on other FE games. As usual, everything is free to use and free to edit and credit is appreciated.

The Collection 05
The pack includes:
FE1’s Supply Tent
Some Graves
FE4’s Church
FE5’s Church
FE5’s Supply Hut

Here’s a few of them in action:
Thiller Night 01

EDIT: The pack has been updated as of this edit. However it only includes some minor changes to the Supply Hut.


Dark Druid palettes are a mess ever since each of the Dark Druid animations has different palette order. So i edited the staff and @SHYUTERz animation’s palette order to match with each other back with the FE7 Vanilla one. All palettes from the Vanilla are added into it.


Still made by Pikmin. Animated by me.
