Text Editing Suites

A blast from the past! FEditor has long since replaced these, but I figured I’d post them for reference.

The ending of FESS caused its members to migrate elsewhere to other forums. The Fire Emblem Text Editing Suites are no longer an exception. Though they were by no means members, they were a part of FESS. And with FESS no longer allowing new members to register, those newer members were left out in the dark.

Getting away from that corny introduction, I have contacted Twilkitri, the creator of these suites, and he has allowed FEU to host them. His only request is that we no longer call them parsers, and instead call them by their proper names, the Text Editing Suite. I personally believe that that is very reasonable and can easily be done. And without further ado, I present to you the Text Editing Suites for FE7 and FE8.

- Flyingace, the guy who originally got these things on FEU.

FE7 Text Editing Suite
FE8 Text Editing Suite
FE6 Text Editing Suite (incomplete)

If anything it’s a nice bit of history, I suppose.