[SRPG Studio] Tathylia Chronicles: Justice and Peace(A10/23+, 1 Gaiden, 1 Optional Tutorial)

So…uhh…I mentioned that I made an SRPG Studio game.
Here it is~

(NOTE: This is a demo version, and not the final product. Any features you see are susceptible to change Also, this game uses community assets from the SRPG Studio community and the base RTP of SRPG Studio. It is not a commercial game.)


A new war begins…

Born of hatred and old wounds…

Two young heroes must rise…

After a war that split the continent in pieces (both literally and figuratively), the embers of war are being stoked once again. Ragiel, an empire to the west that has grown in power for a while after the war years ago, has decided to start taking over the entire continent of Tathylia.

Follow the path of two heroes in two separate campaigns. One is a mercenary named Chris, whose resolve in the face of injustice is unwavering. The other is a princess named April, whose empathy for the people she must serve knows no bounds. Join them as they learn about the history of the previous war, and prevent another tragedy from plaguing the entire continent.

Tathylia Chronicles: Justice and Peace is an Strategy Role-Playing-Game made in SapphireSoft’s SRPG Studio that is inspired by the Fire Emblem series. Specifically, the Radiant/Tellius Saga (FE9 and FE10). It’s a story about overcoming prejudice, the cruelty of war and the legacies our ancestors leave behind.

  • Enjoy simple, yet challenging and thought-provoking tactical grid-based battles.
  • Witness and command a large cast of diverse and interesting characters from many backgrounds, with 40+ playable classes at your disposal.
  • Bring an end to a war without meaning across two campaigns.

  • Bases! With a lot of talk conversations. And a lot of talk convos in battle which give units minor stats.
  • Weapon triangle= +15 Hit and Avoid
  • A slightly reworked magic triangle, including neutral Druidic/Nature Magic. Arcane/Anima is split into Fire,Thunder, and Ice.
  • . Magic triangle= +3 Power, +15 Hit and Avoid
  • Skills! Units start with one personal skill (two if pre-promote) and gain another at level 15 (10 if pre-promote). Units can have a maximum of 8 skills. There are up to 30 skills that can be seen as personal skills.
  • All class types have a specific class skill. Promoted classes also gain a skill.
  • Dyreblods, which are FE9 Laguz units.
  • The ability to see growths!
Planned Features
  • Two campaigns that happen at the same time story wise. Currently, each route is in the process of being planned out, but each will have 23 chapters. If I am able to finish at least one, I will be happy, but I’m shooting for two~!
  • May change the mapchips (because something something the RTP sucks to everyone except me ig something something.)
  • May add in GBA portraits.
Known and Potenial Bugs/Issues

Known and Potenial Bugs/Issues:

  • If an infantry unit fights an enemy at the edge of the a map, the game will crash. This doesn’t have a fix yet. For the time being, the only way to avoid this is to not start any combats with infantry units nearing the edges of the screen/map.
  • A minor graphical bug often occurs with Wizards, where they will be shown to have weapon triangle advantage against any weapon that isn’t the type that they are wielding. This is an odd byproduct of their class skill.
  • The unit menu can be a bit janky to navigate, yet is still readable and usable.
  • Chapter 3X. Usually, there is a problem where if any units are defeated on previous chapters after 3X, it causes a game over. This is not supposed to happen, and has been a consistent problem for all releases. It’s always annoying. It may be a problem even now. That chapter is cursed ISTG-.
  • Load feature is missing on maps. Woops. This will be fixed soon.
  • The “Security” skill is broken.
  • There may be a few outdated details, sprites, typos etc. Feel free to point any you see out.

(More to come as I take a look at all the stuff.)
Lead Developer: Blazer,The Wyvern Writer
Lead Writer: Blazer,The Wyvern Writer
Lead Designer: Blazer,The Wyvern Writer

All RTP resources by SapphireSoft

Custom Plugins:
Francis of the Filth

Custom Class Graphics:
Von Ithipathachai


Download Link:Tathylia Chronicles: Justice and Peace by Blazer The Wyvern Writer
Review Form (for after you play the game): Tathylia Chronicles Demo Survey
TC Discord Server:
(Blazer's Dev Server) Tathylia Chronicles: Justice and Peace



nice to see a fellow srpg studio maker posting on feu


Same! It gets a lot of flack, and that’s not fair. Only some of the flack is deserved-