Spanish Patch for FE7 Hacking?

Is there a spanish patch for FE7? the PAL version isn’t compatible with FE builder. I dont mind if it only translates character conversations, since that is the only thing I really care about.

Thanks for your time.

Currently there’s no support for the european versions in FEBuilder.

You can modify the U version and add the special characters to the font, FEBuilder already has patches for accented and special characters.

Unfortunately, but i do not support European ROMs.
Even if I did, I think you would not be able to use it because of the lack of patches.
And once we support it, we will have to maintain it after that, the maintenance cost will increase by multiplication.
Therefore, I will not support it.

LAT1 can be displayed in English ROMs, and if there are any missing fonts, please add them.
There are patches to display UTF8 in languages other than LAT1, so if you use them, you can display almost any language. (Except for exceptions such as emoji).