SHYUTERz PATCH & Animation

Hello everyone!! コンニチハ!!(゚Д゚*)(。_。*)ペコリ
(I still don’t know how to use feuniverse,
so I often make mistakes.) (´>∀<`)ゝ

Here’s a look at my activities.
This patch is Hack Rom, made by me and HIROTO.
I’m working on it at my own pace, so updates are sometimes delayed.
Once this patch is complete, I plan to make an English version as well.
In that case, all the documentation will be machine-translated, so the documentation may not be correct.
By the way, I will also be posting my animations and other things I’ve created here. Please contact me here if there is anything you would like me to fix, problems or anomalies. When I’m busy, I may be quite late in replying to you, but I’ll do my best to answer you if there’s anything I can do to help.
(By the way, I only work from Friday to Sunday)

Black Flame Dragon VS Sealed Devil - 3
Black Flame Dragon VS Sealed Devil - 2
God Dragon VS Sealed Devil
God Dragon VS Sealed Devil - 2

↑ SHYUTERz PATCH is on this link.
(Has been updated 20210401 New!)
↑ 20201220 ver, old
↑20200713 ver, oldest

↑ How to save.
(Initial setting)

↑ My first video.


I update it about once or two weeks.
Oh, hiroto. Please fix the bug I taught.


Great work as always, I am quite impressed




Thanks for praising! I’m glad you see this.


Do anyone know why this error pops up when I try to open the rom? I can’t really explain it to myself…

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Really? please wait. I will investigate the cause.

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I do not know the cause. Can I convert that rom to ups and share it with me? I’m pretty impatient that I can’t open the rom.

『 error opening image 』…
Maybe …

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No I used an Japanese Rom. I also patched it with FEBuilder and another patch programm… I will send you an ups of the Rom.

Maybe it could be that I have some different settings which would make no sense because all other roms, even japanese, work fine with my emulator.


I hope that you can find something.


Hmm. In my opinion, I think the image on the title screen was destroyed by the patching tool when the patch was applied.

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Thank you very much! Thanks for your cooperation! I and my brother hiroto will investigate the cause with the highest priority and will notify you when it is corrected.

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It will take some time for four days.

No problem, take your time :+1: . It is just weird that the patch programm destroys the title Screen.

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In fact, we have verified in the past that the patch program destroyed the title screen. So changing the title screen might solve the problem. I’ll give it a try.

Hope you have more luck than me. I just tried it and it didn’t work.

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Thank you. Now I will fix the title screen, so please wait for a while. Report when complete.

It is strange. I don’t know the cause. In my vba it worked fine. What tool did you use to apply this patch? febuilder or tsukuyomi? And two patches, but neither of them could open rom with your vba?

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I fixed some fatal mistakes and bugs.
What about this?

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Oops, sorry I forgot to click the button xD
Well… Now I tested it with tsukuyomi because I forgot it. But it didn’t work either :thinking:
Maybe it is something with my emulator?

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