Set a flag when a wall is broken [solved]


I use FE builder GBA and I don’t know how to associate an event when a wall is broken, or when a snag become a bridge. What I want to do is change the AI of the ennemy when you do that.
I can do it when I open a door because in the event condition menu, there onglet map object with the door object, but with the wall, I can’t do the same. How can I proceed ?

That is not possible with vanilla.
Patch required.

Add Event Condition: Tile Change

This patch associates flags with tile changes.

When Srag is broken and a tile change occurs, Flag0x12 becomes valid.
If Srag is broken and a tile change occurs, Flag0x12 becomes valid.

Hook this flag with Event.

If the Srag is broken, the curse of the Srag will start to rain.


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Thanks, it work perfectly