POLL: Which GBA Hacking Method Do You Prefer?

To make a hack I just type in make hack ez.

(I’ve been using basically just EA Buildfiles but instead of the traditional MAKE HACK.cmd I have a makefile (much like Zane has)).


I only use MATLAB to make romhacks.

But more seriously, as a new and casual hacker, FEBuilder is a godsend. The GUI is intuitive and easy to pick up without much prior eventing knowledge. I can’t count how many times I’ve started a hack on FEditor and quit because something broke.

I honestly like FEditor and Nightmare the best when it comes to the fun of hacking some stuff, but FEBuilder made it so obsolete that it is not even funny. I never use the older Tools anymore because with FEBuilder, I can change almost anything with effectively 0 limitations and I can fix most bugs without even looking for them. I don’t even have to learn how to create events because the tool just gives me all the commands in a way I can understand them except custom ASM stuff.

Command-line approaches to hacking could definitely benefit from explicit graphical support. I’ve mostly thought about this along the lines of content creation. You need things like Usenti anyway; so why not e.g. a dedicated studio for editing a portrait, that then dumps out buildfile data along with a binary dump of the final lz77 data? Or even further, back in… 2014? I had a super rough idea for an animation editor that never went anywhere. But the neatest thing I’ve seen out of Builder honestly is the more “IDE”-like features, like the debugging stuff.


If you can add past software,
For FE6, FE7J, and FE8J, the following old software should be added.

Project_FE_GBA is the software that FEBuilderGBA referred to.
It was a great tool that made it possible to modify it with an easy-to-use GUI.
However, the source code was not disclosed and it was written in VB.net, so the operation speed was slow.
I created FEBuilderGBA to solve the Project_FE_GBA complaints.

This is a hex editor developed quite a long time ago(1999).
The biggest feature of this software is that it can handle structures.
If you have read old Japanese material, you can find a file called “strcut.def”.
“strcut.def” is a structure definition file for stirling.


Other: I cancel my own rom hacks continuously to summon the Dark God of Cancelled Projects to hack a new project, which I proceed to cancel and continuously summon until it becomes playable.

Well, playable in a loose term. At least I don’t use FEditor to break it.

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Been about a week so I have closed this poll. I forgot to close this when it had actually been a week oops

I quite honestly expected FEBuilder to sit much higher than this