Paladin Seth animation second change Original author: {aruka, kenpuhu}

Seeing the author’s animation, I thought of a cool idea, so I borrowed the author’s material for secondary creation. I’m sorry if I offended, I just want to make the animation look more cool.

Now, I’ve finished, so I’ll release it to you to see how I do. If you like it, I’ll be very happy.

Special thanks to the original author’s material. {aruka, kenpuhu}

In addition, it is difficult for me to log in to this website. It is really difficult to find the original author by relying on the translator alone. If the author is dissatisfied with my post, I can delete the post immediately

By: tavern uncle


Baidu cloud
链接:https : //


Nut cloud (China Dropbox)
Link:酒馆大叔圣骑士塞思优化二改动画原作者:{Aruka, Kenpuhu}.rar - 坚果云 - 云盘|网盘|企业网盘|同步|备份|无限空间|免费网络硬盘|企业云盘

You can download it without registering ( time lTheimit is 7 days. Upload again at the end)
Link:奶牛快传 | 传文件 文件下载不限速

I have made an improved version of lunce V2 temporarily. I will send you a link later.


I hope you don’t think I’m complacent. I just want to make it more beautiful

( time lTheimit is 7 days. Upload again at the end)
Link:奶牛快传 | 传文件 文件下载不限速

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