Oops! All Rolfs

What’s this?
Recently I did a playthrough of Sacred Stones where every playable character was replaced by Amelia. This is that, except it’s Path of Radiance, and everyone’s Rolf! They start as archers if they’re unpromoted and snipers if they’re prepromoted, and get Rolf’s bases and growths, as well as a suitable starting inventory and weapon rank.

Why are you doing this?
To see if the challenge can be completed, really! “Oops! All Amelias” was fun, tricky, and tragic, but ultimately completed, and giving it another go should be a fun time.

If you don’t have time to follow a new Let’s Play that’s totally understandable - an after-action report video will be created whether the run is a success or a failure, discussing a summary of what happened.

Here is part 1 of the series:

And if you like playlists, you can have one here. The first two episodes are out and there are more to come:

I hope you enjoy watching as much as I enjoy playing!


Oh hell yes. Looking forward to this.

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