New to FE hacking and Need Help

So I’ve tried some FE Hacks before and I wanted to make my own but I have no experience at all so I decided to ask for help. (Seriously, I don’t even know which editor I should use :confounded:)

This is a list of what I need:

  1. A way to edit graphics e.g. Battle Animations, Map Sprites, Weapon and Magic Icons, Portraits, e.t.c.
  2. I want to change the Magic triangle to have one new type (The elements would be Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind like in Golden Sun.)
  3. A way to add the mechanic from the Mario RPGs where you can tap a button at just the right time to do more damage or counter. (I’ve seen something like this online but I don’t know how to add it.)
  4. I want the characters to be able to use their fists in a fight. This won’t add any damage but it has infinite durability. It will be weak against all weapon types.
  5. A way to move freely on certain maps like in Pokemblem
  6. A typical MP system where you can only use certain spells based on the amount of MP you have. (If this isn’t possible then the PP system from Pokemon would work as well.)
  7. A way to change the list of actions so that spells are separated from regular attacks because I want every character to have access to them.

That’s basically everything. If you have a patch please post it on the Topic, and thanks in advance. :slightly_smiling_face:

these changes seem like doable in lex tallionis

Using FEBuilder, for 7 and 8 I assume the gaiden-style magic patch(es) would be able to help you there. 2 would probably be just wholesale doable, using the same animations as for All Magic™, 4 is locked behind 1, is either swipe shit off the repo(Make sure to credit the right people!) or make it yourself with image editors and scripting, no clue on 3 and 5.

Vesly made a patch for 3 right?


Man, Vesly is so cool lol.
Vesly patches are Lex Talionis games’ biggest competition XD

Realistically the hardest thing you mentioned is getting all these things in from nothing.
The best advice I can give is to pick up a game editor, either FE Builder, Lex Talionis, or Tactile, and get a feel for how it works. Try making just your intro/prologue chapter and then worry about putting a bunch of weird stuff in it lol


I made timed hits - see this post:


  1. You just need an image editor. I use Gimp. There are also many, many, sprites that are shared for hackers to use on the internet. Importing and exporting png images is easy enough.
  2. Definitely possible, but nobody has done it yet.
  3. Vesly did it.
  4. Easy, just add it as a physical “spell” that’s free to cast. There are very little punching animations made, though.
  5. It’s called free movement and the latest, best version was made by Mokha.
    6/7. I’m only aware of “mana” being in the Chinese FE9/10 demake. But that means it’s doable. Spells being separate actions has been done in Gaiden Magic, which has several iterations made by different wizards. Except spells cost HP, but this could be changed to mana if somehow implemented. Mokha made also a spell system using “spell slots.” Spells are free, but each can be used a limited amount of times per map before it “breaks.” In both systems characters can learn a
    unique list of spells from leveling up. Mokha’s one also allows spells to be learned from magic weapon levels.

idk where but i heard that LT is much more complex and harder to learn the febuilder. Don’t know if it’s correct but just wanted to put it out just in case.

Strong disagree. Requires no coding knowledge whatsoever and has a very easy to understand GUI.
And if there’s anything you can’t figure out, there’s a wiki and a discord channel full of helpful information.

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Iiiii could say the same about FEBuilder.


a noob like me sorta understands FEbuilder more, but that is highly anecdotal

Rammerrush was saying that LT isn’t harder than febuilder, not that febuilder’s gui is difficult to use or anything.

Oh okay.

Yeah, I’ve only opened FEBuilder a few times myself, but it seems like it’s about the same level of complex/confusing as LT lol.
Either way you’re going to have to learn a whole new system to make whatever cool thing you’re imagining

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That looks great. But… how do I download it? :sweat_smile:

Also I wanted to make a gba hack, so I think I’ll be going with FEBuilder.

Aeshetically, LT is the same as FE8

I want it to work on the gba as well.

Download the repo, then use advanced editors → insert ea in febuilder and choose the installer.event file.

.event files are just .txt and you should read through it / choose config options before installing
