Need help with conditions

Right now I’m working on a map and the one bit that has absolutely confused the shit out of me is Conditions. Currently I’m trying to make it so that when you finish the chapter you will get a different ending event based of whether or not you visit a village(I think the event is called NewCharacter by the way) and the character you get from the village survives. Here are my events if that helps.

From what I understand I need to use the codes:

ELSE 0x02
ENIF 0x01
ENIF 0x02
ENIF 0x03

But I don’t know exactly how to use them/where to placing even after messing around in Eventiel and watching/reading arch’s stuff and some of my events (from what I can tell)lack event IDs

Thanks, sorry if this question has been asked before or if it is a stupid question

It’s been a long time since I looked at gba event code, but as far as I remember you have an event code and the actual event’s number

Village(04,06,0x0A) // village event at 4,6; probably not formatted right
// code
// code
IFET 0x01 0x0A // if event 0x0A is triggered
// blah
ENIF 0x01
// or
IFET 0x01 0x0A
// blah
ELSE 0x02
IFCD 0x03 0x08 // character 0x08 is dead
// blah
ENIF 0x03
ENIF 0x01
ENIF 0x02

Try using this.
Those are macros that simplify the usage of conditions.

Also, I think of them as LABELs/GOTOs, and the newer language raws reflect this.