Mayan Emblem [DEMO 8 chapters, 22 planned]

New Year Roadmap.

-I’m planning to add new ideas, but before that, I wanna hear your opinions about.
These events are available during town chapters.

  1. Gambling:
    I want to make a card game where the player can gamble the gold obtained during the adventure.
    I also want to ad some dice and other gambling games.
  2. Real Arena:
    I plan to add a big arena where the player can choose to send expendable generics in order to face the enemy, where each unit counters another. For example, if the red side sends out fliers, the player can choose to send archers to face them.
  3. Coocking minigame:
    gather ingredients and bring them to Giselle to cook stuff.
    You can also put stuff like iron swords, if you like metal.
  4. Metamorphic labyrynth:
    find the way out of a labyrythn before time runs out.
    The walls and paths will constanly change.
    With Tracia fog, of course.
  5. Detective:
    Find the hidden suspect by listening to what the civilian say

Don’t worry, I’ll also finish the story of ToA.


I’ll be honest, it sounds very hard to have so many minigames in fe8, but I could see it working in lt

Version 1.10

-Wrote a lot, really a lot.
-Game playable up to chapter 9.
-Added some portraits.

-Finish writing the story
-Finish portraits/touch up some
-Fix bugs on 9x
-Finish Chp 16x/17/17x
-Add events to each map
-Add different enemy composition on each difficulty
-Add custom battle animations

When I get the inspiration, I write/draw. That’s how I work. Hopefully, I’ll be able to finish the whole hack before next year. Disclaimer: this is an early demo, so you’ll encounter bugs. Write here if you find anything strange.

P.S: Ya know, I was thinking about changing 2 gaiden chapters into 2 forced-main ones. The game should be 22 chapters with 10 gaidens instead of 20 main and 12 gaidens. For as much as I love gaidens, I think it can be quite silly having half of the game be made of gaidens, even if some are shop chapters.


I did it. I almost finished the story.
Version 1.11

-Finished writing 80% of the story.
-Fixed some maps tile changes.
-Converted two gaidens into main maps.

TOA patch will be released next week.


Sorry for my absence, I was busy (and I still am).
I’m still working on this project, albeit very slowly.
Here’s some spoilers on units I would like to add.
Telll me what you think.
Trapper: a floran hunter who can lay traps. Traps include: magical mines, fire traps, poison traps, freeze traps, and silence traps.
Entropycal: floran mages from the swamps, they are stealthy and can do AOE (area of effect)
damage with each spell.
Fanatic: religious zealot with no self preservation instinct. Counterpart to the assassin with HUGE resistence to magic and status conditions.
Slinger: guy who uses slings. Has a shield to protect from arrows.
Blowpipe: floran who uses a blowpipe.
Owl warrior: lance flier, a new version of the Eagle warrior (probably I’m not gonna implement it).