Life Update: My Absence, Reflecting on my First Hack, and Plans Moving Forward

Hello Fire Emblem Universe. This is King J Rool. It’s been a few months since I was last active here. Seeing as now I have time to do so, I’ve decided to make this post to explain how I felt about my first project, its shortcomings, and why I’ve been MIA for so long.

  1. My Absence

First and foremost, I recently moved with my family internationally from the States to Korea. This is quite literally the other side of the world. As such, moving has been such a hectic process. For the first few weeks, I could not get the WiFi set up, much less gain the mental capacity to fire up the computer again. I was always well aware that more comments and bug reports were being left in my absence, but I simply did not have the time or effort to respond to them. Even now, although I am starting to settle down, the move is far from finished.

  1. Thoughts on my First Project

Looking back on it, I realize now that I was being far too ambitious for a first time ROM hacker. I wanted to storm out onto the scene with a banger first project, something that would wow the community with a great first impression. I pushed myself far too hard and overestimated my ability to create Fire Emblem 7: Reignited. I’m also sorry for advertising the hack as a giant passion project with a gigantic list of changes that were probably very overwhelming to read which contributed to the amateurish look of the outcome. In the end, it was a project that I set myself too high expectations for, especially for a beginner. Even currently, it still suffers from a few bugs which I have not gotten around to fixing.

I was also too stubborn to easily accept help from others or to utilize free to use resources. Instead of saving time, I tried to create things on my own that took longer for mediocre results at best.

  1. Plans Moving Forward

I will try my best to take the lessons I learned from my first hack of not trying to overburden myself, take more advantage of community resources and help, and also to make promises that I can actually fulfill in a timely manner.

As for FE7 Reignited, I will be releasing a patch soon that fixes several game breaking bugs as well as providing more gameplay, aesthetic, and dialogue changes.

In the meantime, you might see me upload certain things that I make for fun, even if it’s not necessarily for Reignited.

Thanks for reading,