[Lex Talionis] Fire Emblem: Cycle of Remorse (Version 0.10.2) ACT 2 IS HERE

Hey guys! It’s FEE3!! Just as a reminder, Cycle of Remorse’s video is premiering on October 11 at 6pm EST! I’ve been working really hard on updating Act 1, adding new things, rebalancing, etc.

And as always, there will be a work stream on my YouTube channel this upcoming Monday at 2pm CST, so feel free to drop by as I make the final tweaks for the big FEE3 update! I’ll probably be working on Support conversations and other miscellaneous things.


EDIT: I deeply apologize, but had to get a hotfix in for the game since the engine got a really important update to make sure the games on it actually. You know. Run. but yeah if you downloaded it sometime today, please give it a re-download. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Hey guys! I’m dropping the big FEE3 update (v0.7.0) now since I’ll be busy doing an FE4 stream and FEE3 watch party on my YouTube channel later today (shameless plug).

Anyway, if you come here later from the trailer, hello!! I’ll edit this post to include it once it’s uploaded. The trailer is REALLY outdated. In version 0.7.0, the stats are not as inflated and the maps are not as big, but the same overall vibe of the game is still there.

As always, check out the Changelog for details on the update and have fun!!

Here’s the trailer!


Hey guys! Small update since I noticed some small errors with reinforcements in chapters 7 (Route A) and 8 as well as some dialogue typos. Tbh you’ll wanna download this update for the reinforcements thing lol.

I’m also in the process of updating the database and putting up more up-to-date screenshots in the first post. Sit tight!

Anyway, as always, have fun with CoR!


Hey guys! Got another minor update for you all. Made a slight change to Chapter 2 to make things a little easier as well as some other small changes. Anyway, link’s in the OP and as always, have fun!

EDIT: Had to do another hotfix since i forgot to revert some settings when my husband did a playthrough sorry!!


Just watched the trailer and pretty excited for this one! Looks like a great hack so far

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Hey guys! So just got version 0.7.3 uploaded! I had to fix up a bunch of errors as well as had to wait for a certain engine bug to get fixed, so everything should be functional now! As always, check the included changelog for details on the update and have fun!


Hey guys! Just a minor update coming in. Fixed up some errors and adjusted some weapons and such. As always, check out the included changelog and have fun!

(I forgot to mention this in the changelog, but I reverted the Brave effect on all Slim weapons to be able to double on both Player and Enemy phase)


Hey guys! it’s been a couple of weeks, so just wanted to let you all know about progress so far!
Chapter 13 is basically done! it still needs to get playtested through, but all the writing and mapping associated with it is done. I’m currently working on chapters 14 and 15 simultaneously. Mapping for both chapters is done, i just need to get their scripts all settled.

I do wanna show off Chapter 15’s map since I’m really proud of it!

It’s an arena map where your units go one-on-one with the enemy units! There’s some unique stuff i wanna do with it, so stay tuned!

And uh. i did something self-indulgent a while back. I just. REALLY needed to do this. Putting this under spoilers since this is somewhat embarrassing but im posting it online anyway lol

Self-Indulgence ahoy!



Hi guys! Just sharing some progress updates. Chapter 15 is pretty much all set gameplay-wise. I’m gonna be working on Chapter 14B this week.
Oh, and new recruitable unit to show off!
(Borrowed the bunny hood part from the Spring!Camilla mug by Jey the Count)
Her name’s Yumi. She’s in the Rogue class and joins the party after beating Chapter 15. tbh, i didn’t plan on making her recruitable at first, but she grew onto me.
And let me share some Support scripts too! I’ve been busy jotting down lines for Support chains because I know I’ll forget my ideas if I don’t otherwise

To end off the progress updates, I made another really self-indulgent thing. You can hear me sing in this one! I’m actually really proud of this, but i’m still putting it under spoilers if only because it’s not actual game dev progress lol

More self-indulgence below


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Hello :wave: Project looks real cool! I’m gonna give it a download when I get to my computer :desktop_computer: I’m working on Lex Talionis project too, so it’ll be cool to see what you’re able to do with the engine! :grin:

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Hi guys! Sorry about being silent for almost a month. Been busy with some other side projects and tbh I haven’t had anything substantial in terms of updates to show off. I will say that I’ve got another mug to show off!
This is Kei! One of five new characters added to Chapter 15 aka that gimmicky arena map I was talking about before. These five new characters will be recruitable but… I won’t be saying HOW they’re recruitable. Y’all are gonna have to figure that one out on your own! or watch my work streams because i did reveal the recruit conditions there hashtag shameless plug

Other than that, I’ve drafted out the basic layouts for all the maps in Act 2 and I just finished figuring out enemy placements for Chapter 16!
Chapter 14 is almost fully scripted. I just need to script out recruitment conversations for that map.

Anyway, that’s it for major progress updates. And as you can all probably guess, I don’t plan on dropping any big updates until Act 2 is ready to ship out. With the progress I’ve made, I can see it being done at around late January? I can’t absolutely guarantee it, but I think that’s a reasonable time frame!


Looking great! Keep up the great work :pray: What would you tell people playing your game to look forward to the most? :slight_smile:

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Great question! I’ve been rebalancing a lot of the gameplay-related aspects, so there’s a lot of changes to Act 1. Some characters are in a new class, have new personal skills, etc. I’ve also adjusted stuff with certain bosses and enemies, so players will also be seeing some new generic enemy classes and new weapons on bosses.

And for Act 2 specifically, the plot thickens :smiley:


That’s great! :sunglasses: It’s nice that LT can help balance stuff like that relatively easy :slight_smile:

Looking forward to it :slight_smile: How many acts are you planning on implementing?

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3 acts total!


Hey guys! Just wanted to do a quick update before the end of the year. Admittedly, I have been experiencing some burnout with working on the game lately, but I’ve been pushing through! Realistically speaking, that late January estimate might not be that accurate anymore, but I can still see Act 2 being done within the first quarter of 2024 at least!

I’ve also got the last map of Act 2 done, pretty much because I need it for cutscene purposes

Anyway, that’s it for now. Thank you for all your support thus far and see you in 2024!


Hey guys! Just wanted to touch base since it’s been a hot minute since the last post. I’ve since resumed my Monday work streams on my YouTube channel, so please stop by if you’re interested! Progress has been admittedly slow due to the burnout I mentioned in the last post, so no screenshots to show off this time around. However, I have been doing playtests and rebalances since LT Maker has been going through some major changes lately.

Other than this project itself, I’ve got a bit of a side project on my plate as a way to keep me in a Fire Emblem mood but to also give myself some time away from Cycle of Remorse so that maybe the burnout will start to go away. As for what that side project is, you’ve probably seen the portrait splices I’ve posted to the Repository thread. So, yeah, been keeping myself occupied with that.

Anyway, see yall next post!


Hey guys! Got another development update for you all for Act 2’s progress. Chapter 14B’s opening cutscene is done! I’ve also been playtesting the chapter just to make sure its gimmick is actually functioning correctly. Here’s the layout of the map below:
The win condition is to get all the crates on the map to that empty northern peninsula. It’s not quite working the way I want it to yet, but I’m still adjusting things!

Oh, and i dunno if any of yall are interested in seeing stuff related to my side project, but here it is under spoilers. It’s just a clip compilation of stuff I posted on twitter, and not an actual game… yet. This wont be a full blown thing anytime soon, but it was fun to work on while I tried to get myself back in the groove of working on CoR again.

NijiENblem side project video



Hey guys! Another quick update for you all! Act 2’s progress is going smoothly. More and more dialogue is being added to Act 2’s chapters with Chapter 14’s dialogue 90% done! It just needs its outro cutscene scripted out, then it will be 100% complete outside of actually playtesting it.
I’m also starting to draw my own portrait mugs from scratch rather than depend on splicing now, so you’ll probably see more and more characters looking at least different from their original looks.
Anyway, that’s it for now. As always, I’ll be doing another work stream tomorrow at 2pm CST if any of y’all wanna hop in and chill. Link to my YT in the OP! Oh, and I’m starting to do simultaneous streams through YT and Twitch, so feel free to say hi on Twitch chat if that’s your preferred platform.


Looking good so far! :smiley: I swear this is on my list to play once I’m caught up on my project. :sweat_smile: I want to do a playthrough and help give feedback and report any bugs I find. :slight_smile: In the meantime, keep up the great work!!! :smiley:

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