[Lex Talionis] Fire Emblem 8R (Playable monster units and MyUnit Test update out now!)

So I downloaded the game but it won’t let me open it. It doesn’t load i to it at all. Is there something I’m missing?

It’s very much likely windows defender blocking it. The last windows update has made it think that LT games are Trojans when they are not. :sweat_smile: So have to allow the game through Windows Defender. I had to do that for FE7Lex to work :sweat_smile:

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Time to lock in

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That’s the funny part. I don’t have windows defender on my computer because I’m using Parallels on my Mac. I even try running as Admin and it doesn’t even pop up anything. Nothing telling me something is stopping it. I also tried the FE7 one. Am I screwed on playing LT games on it even though it can run windows?

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Sweet! Sounds good :sunglasses:

Oh shoot. I’m not sure then ^.^; When it comes to Mac stuff I’m not as knowledgeable in. ^.^; It might not work then in that case. :sweat:

Man that’s a huge bummer! Well thanks though. If I find a way to play it I’ll give my thoughts on it for sure!

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Awww man, that’s so rough :confused: Yeah, I wish I knew more about that so I could help more :confused: If you ever get like a steam deck or something I know you can play LT games there. :thinking:

Did another update to fix that big crash when selecting Unit in the menu. Also WEXP has been increased by allowing gaining WEXP even when missing and/or when doubling. Garcia’s SPD growth has been adjusted to 50% and LCK reduced down to 35%.


Alright so first thing of the bat is holy Narga these are a lot of new mechanics to learn lol. I understand and respect doing something new and different with weapons, especially with the power of this engine as opposed to base gba fe but it is a bit overwhelming. That said it looks good so far. I’m on chapter 2. One thing critique I have is that is seems exp is very slow? Which is kinda a problem base FE8 has itself. For context i’m playing normal with fixed growths so maybe that’s a factor.

Nitpicks aside you already have my heart with using Erika’s beta animation. MMM my beloved.

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Chapter 2 Enemy, the one that appears near the boss doesn’t move you, had to bait him.
I can’t give Ross enough Bexp to promote, Is this intentional so you can only promote at a fight?

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Thank you so much for playing the project! It means a lot to me :slight_smile: Thank you for the feedback as well. :smiley: Yeah, all the new systems, elemental combos and all that might be much at first I will admit haha. :sweat_smile: I do want to add some tutorials to help explain things more in game so it’s not as confusing. :slight_smile: Just working on adding the voice clips than I can focus on fine tuning the experience chapter by chapter again haha. :sweat_smile: EXP growth has been difficult to fine tune, before it was too much, but we’ll have to see how it feels down the line, especially now with BEXP. :thinking: I wish FE8 had more chapters, since it’s so short with 20. :confused:

I’m glad you love the new animation :smile: I really like it too :3

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Oh yeah? I think he moved for me on my playthrough but I can double check. :thinking:

The BEXP has been wonky in engine the last few updates with trainees. :confused: Right now it is not intentional that you can’t give BEXP, it the Engine…Once he is T1 can give it though haha :sweat_smile:

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Wait does con have a growth in this game??? Just got the body ring in Chap and is this description and growth boosts in screen legit???

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As of right now, the Con ring is the only way to increase Con. I have been playing with the idea in my head to add con growths rates in general, but haven’t decided yet. :thinking: There are a lot of weapons that get really heavy late game. :sweat_smile: Though there are skills that benefit from that that.

If that’s the case then yeah i think having a con growth would be great. If stuff gets heavy and most characters have their base con + weapons are heavy as standard gba fe then yeah. Being weighed down that much is not fun

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That’s very fair. :thinking: For the next big update, I might add Con growth rates then. :thinking:

Also it hasn’t been deployed yet, but the code for the floor skips in the Tower/Ruins have been updated. You don’t have to reclear the last floor you got to last before getting to the next new floor.

I see we can’t run away from the growth increase items, Can I suggest you add the Juna Fruit? The type that resets level to 1 so we can fix botched units.

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I have already implemented something similar. :wink: You can purchase them near endgame. :slight_smile:

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