So I downloaded the game but it won’t let me open it. It doesn’t load i to it at all. Is there something I’m missing?
It’s very much likely windows defender blocking it. The last windows update has made it think that LT games are Trojans when they are not. So have to allow the game through Windows Defender. I had to do that for FE7Lex to work
Time to lock in
That’s the funny part. I don’t have windows defender on my computer because I’m using Parallels on my Mac. I even try running as Admin and it doesn’t even pop up anything. Nothing telling me something is stopping it. I also tried the FE7 one. Am I screwed on playing LT games on it even though it can run windows?
Sweet! Sounds good
Oh shoot. I’m not sure then ^.^; When it comes to Mac stuff I’m not as knowledgeable in. ^.^; It might not work then in that case.
Man that’s a huge bummer! Well thanks though. If I find a way to play it I’ll give my thoughts on it for sure!
Awww man, that’s so rough Yeah, I wish I knew more about that so I could help more
If you ever get like a steam deck or something I know you can play LT games there.
Did another update to fix that big crash when selecting Unit in the menu. Also WEXP has been increased by allowing gaining WEXP even when missing and/or when doubling. Garcia’s SPD growth has been adjusted to 50% and LCK reduced down to 35%.
Alright so first thing of the bat is holy Narga these are a lot of new mechanics to learn lol. I understand and respect doing something new and different with weapons, especially with the power of this engine as opposed to base gba fe but it is a bit overwhelming. That said it looks good so far. I’m on chapter 2. One thing critique I have is that is seems exp is very slow? Which is kinda a problem base FE8 has itself. For context i’m playing normal with fixed growths so maybe that’s a factor.
Nitpicks aside you already have my heart with using Erika’s beta animation. MMM my beloved.
Chapter 2 Enemy, the one that appears near the boss doesn’t move you, had to bait him.
I can’t give Ross enough Bexp to promote, Is this intentional so you can only promote at a fight?
Thank you so much for playing the project! It means a lot to me Thank you for the feedback as well.
Yeah, all the new systems, elemental combos and all that might be much at first I will admit haha.
I do want to add some tutorials to help explain things more in game so it’s not as confusing.
Just working on adding the voice clips than I can focus on fine tuning the experience chapter by chapter again haha.
EXP growth has been difficult to fine tune, before it was too much, but we’ll have to see how it feels down the line, especially now with BEXP.
I wish FE8 had more chapters, since it’s so short with 20.
I’m glad you love the new animation I really like it too :3
Oh yeah? I think he moved for me on my playthrough but I can double check.
The BEXP has been wonky in engine the last few updates with trainees. Right now it is not intentional that you can’t give BEXP, it the Engine…Once he is T1 can give it though haha
Wait does con have a growth in this game??? Just got the body ring in Chap and is this description and growth boosts in screen legit???
As of right now, the Con ring is the only way to increase Con. I have been playing with the idea in my head to add con growths rates in general, but haven’t decided yet. There are a lot of weapons that get really heavy late game.
Though there are skills that benefit from that that.
If that’s the case then yeah i think having a con growth would be great. If stuff gets heavy and most characters have their base con + weapons are heavy as standard gba fe then yeah. Being weighed down that much is not fun
That’s very fair. For the next big update, I might add Con growth rates then.
Also it hasn’t been deployed yet, but the code for the floor skips in the Tower/Ruins have been updated. You don’t have to reclear the last floor you got to last before getting to the next new floor.
I see we can’t run away from the growth increase items, Can I suggest you add the Juna Fruit? The type that resets level to 1 so we can fix botched units.
I have already implemented something similar. You can purchase them near endgame.