Other issues I’m seeing is that some units level slower despite being lower leveled than the enemies.
Ex: i have a mage knight Franz and berserker ross who are still level 10 t2 in chapter 17 despite having faced higher level enemies; its to the point where they’re unusable now in front of the vast amount of units that I’ve been able to promote to tier 3 because they gain exp faster than them(gerik,Garcia,artur,erika,Vanessa,larachel, duessel,innes to name a few)
I’ve noticed that too during my playthrough same with Franz/Ross/Lute.
It’s super weird though because I’m not sure why it would do that. Now that I know other people than me had the same experience and I can try to send a bug report on the LT discord and see if it’s an engine bug.
Thank you for the report! 
This happened when one of the djinn stole a talisman from my units. The djinn in C19 are impossible to hit btw, all of them show sub-20 hit rates when I’m using my best units. I’d say some enemy t3 classes have insane stats compared to others (lizard berserkers come to mind).
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Hmmm…I believe I know what might be causing this. Thanks for letting me know and I’ll see if I can get that fixed.
Yeah, the difficulty does ramp up for the later chapters.
Hopefully this next patch will have more answers to combat the higher stats. In the meantime, the higher tier weapons have better hit rates, so if you can stock up on those should alleviate that, or use combat staffs since those are guaranteed to hit.
I see camel riders, Im in.
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Haha I’m glad to hear that. XD I’m gonna let you in on a little secret. If built right, Camel Riders have the highest damage potential of all the classes. 
Ok! Got all the personal weapons done!
It took quite a bit, but finally got that taken care of.
If anyone wants to playtest the personal weapons patch, please let me know. :3 I was also able to give Blades a buff for infantry/armor units. Gerik also has a new T2 promotion option replacing Mage Knight.
I will stream myself testing the personal weapons patch tonight if anyone wants to come and watch! There will probably need to be some fixes, etc. But that’s how it goes haha XD
I hope someday can play om android this rom hack hehe
Technically it’s a game not a rom hack. Rom Hack’s are made through hacking the file of a speciifc game. Engines like LT and FEXNA are separate games
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Still i really like this game because im fan FE8 so much hahah. So thats why i want to try this to but i can’t play it because its for window, thats why im active here to see the update that can play on android. Im bad at english haha
cool cool i love this game too
Quick update! I’ve been out of commission the past 5 days due to surgery, but I’m back and recovering now.
Progress will probably be slower, but glad I can work on it again haha ')
Did I quick test to see if I could make a template to help improve the item info UI a bit.
I think this will make things more digestible. 
Good day, love the extended idea of FE 8. I was wondering how far along this is? I see it’s in final Beta pt.1, but I’m really not sure what that means. How many parts are there? And how close to a full release? Thanks!
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Hello, and thank you for your interest in the project!
I definitely can understand how vague Final Beta Pt.1 can sound haha.
What started as a simple port, has grown into a bigger project than I first started on haha.
I finished adding personal weapons to each playable character and now I’m in the phase where I’m redoing the shops and generic weapons to rebalance things. Though there will always be the testing to see what works and what doesn’t haha 
The game is in a fully playable state from beginning to end, but there are 3 things left I want to implement before I consider the project officially released.
Promotion quotes. Every unit will have a unique quote for whatever they promote too. This shouldn’t hopefully take too long once I get going on it. It’s is a bit of writing though with all the promotion choices.
Base convos. I want there to be at least 2-4 base convos for each chapter. Not too bad as well, just takes writing and time.
Voice acting. I’m going to be implementing voice lines from Heroes to add an extra layer of touch to the game. This will probably take the longest with collecting the voices, engine hacking to make it work, and then implementing them throughout the game.
So while these aren’t necessarily needed these are the things I would like to implement.
It does take a while to do as a solo dev/husband/father, but all the support I’ve received from everyone has kept me going.
If you have any questions or anything, feel free to reach out and I’ll be happy to answer. Cheers! 
Woahh. Im so very very jelous to others that can play this. If i have money ill buy window hahaha
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Fortunately the LT Engine doesn’t need expensive hardware to run.
You can just get a cheap $100 used laptop or something.